5th visit of the Stanislas Cohort

The Stanislas cohort, a jewel of medical research in Lorraine, is one of the largest family cohorts (several generations involved) in the world.

Over the past 20 years, studies of data from 4,295 healthy volunteers have made it possible to advance our knowledge of cardiovascular risk factors and, more specifically, the role of genetics and the influence of the environment.

Recruitment of volunteers launched in 1993

The work carried out by the Stanislas Cohort has given it an international scope with the publication of more than one hundred scientific articles and the conduct of research protocols. The seriousness and success of these studies depend on the updating and follow-up of the data collected from the volunteers. It is therefore important to meet them regularly in order to share information on the studies conducted by the entire CIC-P team (Centre d’Investigation Clinique Plurithématique – a research structure under the supervision of Inserm, the CHRU and the University of Lorraine) and to organize the planning of future meetings.

A 5th visit to improve knowledge on cardiovascular risks

This will be done on October 15, 2022 at the Faculty of Medicine of Nancy in the presence of Professors Nicolas Girerd and Jean Marc Boivin, coordinators of the Stanislas Cohort, respectively cardiologist and general practitioner, accompanied by the entire research team. This 5th visit will see the restitution to the public of the results obtained since the 4th visit launched in 2011 in particular on subjects such as

  • “dietary profiles at risk” according to generation and gender
  • genetics and heritability in cardiovascular risks
  • abdominal obesity and arterial stiffness
  • hypertension and primary care
  • pre-diabetes risk and type II diabetes
  • the e’VM algorithm, a new risk prediction tool for heart failure

A single cohort in the world

The main strength of the Stanislas Cohort lies in the longevity of the follow-up of the group of volunteers of which it is composed. For nearly 20 years, thanks to documented medical visits, they have constituted a unique and original profile that is unique in the world. In total, the members of the Cohort have participated in 4 in-depth medical visits completed with targeted questionnaires that have collected, over the years, thousands of data. The 4th visit, carried out by and at the CIC-P in Nancy, which repeated examinations and check-ups carried out in previous years, was completed by other procedures: blood and urine samples, electrocardiogram, echocardiography, etc. All the members of the Stanislas Cohort were from the Nancy region and had no chronic disease at the time of recruitment. The families must be composed of two parents and at least two biological children.

Cardiovascular diseases (source: Haute Autorité de Santé, March 2021)

Cardiovascular disease is the second leading cause of death in France, with significant social and territorial disparities. It is the leading cause of death among women and people over 65. Their frequency is linked to the increase in risk behaviors: poor diet, lack of physical activity and sedentary lifestyle, smoking or alcohol abuse and exposure to stress. These behavioral characteristics can lead to high blood pressure, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia and excess weight. The challenge is to reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in the French population by

  • better identification and management of people at cardiovascular risk, including low-risk patients, by offering them a non-drug strategy to help them modify their lifestyle,
  • a drug strategy, if necessary, adapted to the therapeutic objective according to the level of cardiovascular risk, whether in primary or secondary prevention,
  • patient involvement and adherence to the proposed therapeutic strategies, facilitated by a shared medical decision thanks to a synthesis of the best possible evidence and adapted communication tools.
