5S technique: the best for looking younger than your age (and it costs nothing)

5S technique the best for looking younger than your age

Like everyone else, you are open to good ideas to delay your aging. Easy, quick, inexpensive solutions that work. Especially since we don’t all age at the same speed. Some people naturally look younger than their age while others look 5 or even 10 years older even though they are only 40 years old.

Genetics plays an important role in the aging of each person but there is nothing we can do about it. On the other hand, we can act against two other important factors of aging, as explained to us by Dr Pascal Douek, a micronutritionist doctor specializing in longevity, the environment and lifestyle. “These factors have one thing in common, they generate inflammation. However, the central element of aging is inflammation” recalls the expert.

How to modify them? The specialist gives us his technique, it is easy to follow on a daily basis and allows us to influence these factors to slow down our aging. To do this, simply follow the “5S” technique or method. Concretely ? Work on :

  1. overweight
  2. sugar
  3. the stress
  4. the sleep
  5. physical inactivity

Excess weight, which embodies the classic characteristic of inflammation, is the factor that will predispose to diabetes and cardiovascular disease. By losing excess pounds, we reduce inflammation and slow down the aging of cells. Sugar is a pro-inflammatory ingredient that accelerates aging.

The less we eat, the longer we will look younger (sugar is known to accelerate wrinkles). Stress is harmful to the body because it promotes inflammation so we must fight against it as much as possible. Sleep, heregulates inflammation and cleanses the brain of many toxins. If this restorative sleep is not respected, this will cause an inflammatory state., warns Dr Pascal Douek. Finally, a sedentary lifestyle, i.e. not moving, generates chronic inflammation. We are all subject to it, even if we exercise on the weekend, because we sit behind a desk all week. During this time, the body generates an inflammatory context… and ages more quickly. So you have to be as little sedentary as possible, every day.
