5G networks, China against Canada by exclusion from Huawei and ZTE

5G networks China against Canada by exclusion from Huawei and

(Finance) –

An “unfounded” ban based on non-existent security risks. China’s response to the Canada’s decision to ban Chinese telecom giants Huawei and ZTE from accessing its 5G wireless networks pfor national security reasons. “China is firmly against all of this,” said the Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin, adding that Beijing “will take all necessary measures” to protect Chinese companies.

“We announce our intention to ban the inclusion of Huawei and ZTE products and services in Canadian telecommunications systems,” said yesterday. Canadian Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry François-Philippe Champagne -. Canadian telecommunications companies will not be able to include products or services in their networks that jeopardize our national security. Suppliers who have already installed this equipment will need to cease use and remove it. We will always protect the safety and security of Canadians and take all necessary actions to safeguard our telecommunications infrastructure. The Canadian government has serious concerns about suppliers such as Huawei and ZTE who may be forced to comply with out-of-court directives from foreign governments in ways that would conflict with Canadian law or harm Canadian interests. ”

For China, the security concerns cited by Ottawa are “a pretext for political manipulation”. Canada – reads one note released by the Chinese Embassy in Canada – “decided to exclude major Chinese companies from the Canadian market for reasons of so-called national security without any conclusive evidence, grossly generalizing the concept of national security, violating the principles of the market economy and free trade rules and damaging legitimate interests of Chinese companies “.

After that United States, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand had already banned Huawei’s equipment, Canada’s decision was long overdue. The the measure had been delayed by the Canadian government due to diplomatic tensions between Ottawa and Beijing following the arrest in Vancouver in 2018 financial director of Huawei Meng Wanzhou and the subsequent arrest in China of diplomat Michael Kovrig andbusinessman Michael Spavor, both Canadian.
