580,000 protective aprons to Ukraine

580000 protective aprons to Ukraine

The EU has decided to send 580,000 protective aprons from the health care warehouse in Sweden to Ukraine, where there is a shortage of health care equipment, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) announces on its website.

Sweden is one of the countries in the EU that since 2020 has been tasked with being responsible for joint contingency stocks for medical equipment, which is intended to be used when the EU countries’ own resources are insufficient.

The protective aprons will be sent via a coordination center in Poland, where relief shipments will be coordinated to Ukraine, writes MSB.

“The warehouse is located in Kristinehamn in Värmland and now the support is activated for the second time. The first time the warehouse was activated was in October 2021, when Latvia, due to a strained situation due to covid-19, requested fans, ”says Fredrika Lindholm, project manager at MSB.

Ukraine, which applied for EU membership earlier this year, has requested support through the EU’s civil protection mechanism ERCC.
