The Grit Grinders of the 56th Field Artillery Regiment are looking to defend their record as the Canadian Army Run top fundraisers.
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Members of the Brantford-based regiment have been participating in the virtual run over the past couple of weeks and some members will be running over the next couple of days. The in-person event takes place across Canada on Sunday (Sept. 17).
The annual run raises money for Support Our Troops and Soldier On and the Grit Grinders last year raised $8,707.47 in last year’s event.
“The services provided by Support Our Troops and Soldier On are invaluable,” Bombardier Aaron Nechelput, co-captain of the Grit Grinders, said in a statement. “The funds we raise mean that soldiers, veterans and family members have resources available within our military community.”
Nechelput said the 56th is on track to beat last year’s effort and is hoping to get a boost from residents in Brantford, Norfolk County and St. Catharines. The 56th field has batteries in Simcoe and St. Catharines.
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Canadians can donate to the effort by visiting Canada Army Run at
Support Our Troops helps members, veterans and their families overcome challenges stemming from their military service.
A program of the Canadian Armed Forces, Soldier On supports the recovery of ill and injured CAF members by providing opportunities through sport, recreational and creative activities.
Cpl. Kristen Vasiliauskas, co-captain of the Grit Grinders, said it’s an honor to represent the 56th again this year.
“Our team is named for an honor that is awarded at the end of all our live fire training events,” Vasiliauskas said. “It’s a tradition that reaches back to the origin of our regiment to recognize not the top performer, or the second, or the third, but that background soldier that just gets the job done; the underdog that achieves through hard work and character.”
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Vasiliauskas said the run is a chance for Grit Grinders to come together and do what it takes to raise funds for a cause that is close to their hearts.
BMO is the presenting sponsor of the event.
“Driven by our purpose, to Boldly Grow the Good in business and life, BMO is committed to driving positive change and making progress for a thriving economy, sustainable future, and inclusive society,” David Fraser, of BMO, said. “The run is an opportunity for our communities across Canada to show our appreciation to the people who serve this country in so many ways at home and abroad.”
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