55 neglected cats in a 50 square meter apartment

55 neglected cats in a 50 square meter apartment

At the end of February, the county administration in Sörmland was alerted that twelve cats were living in an apartment. The apartment owner himself had contacted the animal welfare officer at the county administrative board and told them that he could not afford to feed all the cats, which Södermanland News was the first to report on. However, the man was not at home for the county board’s visit.

It was enough to look down in the letter bin for the animal welfare officers to realize that there were significantly more cats than twelve.

The County Administrative Board contacted the police who broke into the apartment where they discovered that the cats had been living in very poor conditions. According to The Express the county administrative board must have found urine stains on the floor and uncleaned litter boxes. The cats must also have been unneutered and have shown signs of mismanagement.

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The County Administrative Board: “High risk of incest”

The County Administrative Board considered that there was a high risk of incest among the cats because several young cats were at risk of becoming pregnant too soon.

The cats were taken into the care of the county administration in Sörmland immediately. A total of 55 cats were crammed into the 50 square meter apartment. All the cats were also of the same breed: Sacred Burmese.

A cat of the sacred Birman or Birman breed, as it is also called. Photo: Bellisa / Stockimo / Alamy.

In an interview with Södermanlands Nyheter says Fredrik Berganimal welfare officer, that there are several different things that can happen now.

– In some cases they can be returned and in other cases the animals are euthanized, but the latter is not relevant in this case because the cats were still in pretty good condition. A third option is that they are sold on.

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The owner wants the cats back – to sell them on

The cat owner himself wants the cats back. He has planned to sell them on and wants to have control over which homes the cats end up in.

It is unusual for so many cats to be found during an inspection, according to animal welfare officer Berg. He also says that they should consider the cat owner’s opinions.

At the moment, it is unclear what will happen to the 55 cats.

The cats from the apartment. Photo: County Administrative Board.

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