55 bears may be shot during the autumn license hunt in Norrbotten

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During the spring, 56 bears were killed during the protection hunt. The county administrative board has now decided that 55 bears may be shot during the autumn, which means that a total of 111 bears may be shot, about 17 percent of the population.

This is an increase in the quota from last year with 26 bears.

– Thanks to the public’s help with the inventory last year and the taxation model that bear research has developed, this year we have a very good basis for an increased license hunting decision, says Anna Danell Savola, County Administrative Board in a press release.

According to the county administrative board, the goal of the hunt is to reduce the tribe to the county’s administrative level of 500 individuals and thereby reduce the damage to the reindeer herding industry to an acceptable level.

– The large number of protection hunts during the spring shows a continuing problem, says Anna Danell Savola.

The bear hunt starts on 21 August and lasts as long as 30 September above the cultivation limit and 15 October below the cultivation limit.
