500 volunteers work with the Sweden International Horse Show

The Sweden International Horse Show has started.
But behind the scenes, a huge amount of work has led to the competitions.
– We have approximately 500 officials, it is only our own, non-profit ones, says Ulrika Svensson, venue manager at the Sweden International Horse Show to TV4 Nyheterna.

The Sweden International Horse Show has been called into the calendar for a long time now and now the autumn’s big horse festival is finally underway. But behind the scenes, an enormous amount of work has been put in to ensure that the competitions can be organized at all.

Before the premiere night, TV4 Nyheterna met Ulrika Svensson, who is the venue manager for the Sweden International Horse Show, and she talks about the hard work behind the competitions.

– There are approximately 300 horses in total, so we are building 265 stalls in the area behind, explains Svensson, while showing off the stables.

300 horses, how many officials work here?

– We have approximately 500 functionaries, it is only our own, non-profit ones.

In other words, the non-profit force is great ahead of this weekend’s giant event. But there are also the horses’ attendants and in total there are significantly more people behind the scenes at Friends Arena.

– We accredit approximately 2,500 people. The biggest challenge is all the materials and our schedule of how we build things. We have 1,500 tons of sand coming in, we have ten tons of hay and there are 1,000 bales of shavings. So there are huge amounts, Ulrika Svensson sums up.

Horse party at Friends

Stream the Sweden International Horse Show from Friends Arena – one of the world’s biggest equestrian events. The international equestrian elite is in place.
