500 orthopedists from 83 countries came together in Istanbul

500 orthopedists from 83 countries came together in Istanbul

500 orthopedists from 83 countries who are experts in hip and knee prostheses came together in Istanbul. 360 speakers and 140 audience orthopedists attended the meeting where hip and knee prostheses were discussed.

In the 2-day meeting chaired by Prof. Dr. Javad Parvizi, one of the world’s most important orthopedists in this field, a consensus was reached on 64 controversial issues. New treatment methods to be applied in the future in knee and hip prostheses were discussed.

12 scientific journal editors also accompanied the ‘World Expert Meeting in Arthroplasty’. The decisions taken will be translated into 15 languages ​​and presented to all doctors around the world.

Prosthetic treatments applied to worn joints in the human body ensure continued mobility. It is assumed that 2 million 500 thousand people are provided with prosthetics every year in the world. It is predicted that this number will increase even more as the world population ages. It is estimated that the need for prosthetics will increase even more. In this context, new methods are also developing rapidly with developing technology. A consensus meeting was held for the first time to address controversial issues regarding the benefits of new developments and treatment methods to the patient.

500 orthopedists from 83 countries who are experts in prosthetic surgery came together in Istanbul for the World Expert Meeting in Arthroplasty.


The 2-day consensus meeting was chaired by Prof. Dr. Javad Parvizi, who has more than 700 scientific articles on orthopedic surgery. Parvizi is known for organizing consensus meetings on infections in orthopedic surgery twice in Philadelphia, USA, in previous years, and for reaching an agreement among surgeons. Parvizi stated that nearly 300 controversial issues regarding prosthetic surgery were reduced to 64 headings and discussed in this meeting, and made statements about the topics discussed.

Prof. Dr. Parvizi said, “In orthopedics; there have been discussions for years on patient selection, choosing the right operation, rehabilitation processes, whether physiotherapy is needed, anesthesia methods, pain management, performing total knee prosthesis or partial knee prosthesis, determining the length of hospital stay of patients after surgery, performing outpatient surgery, and whether patients who have had prosthesis surgery can undergo surgery again. Making joint decisions on all these issues discussed here will greatly benefit patients.”


Dr. Parvizi stated that in the meeting attended by two scientific journal editors, the steering committee decided to publish the results in the internationally prestigious Journal of Arthroplasty, and continued his words as follows:

“The documents we agreed on here will be translated into 15 languages. This document will also be distributed to surgeons who could not attend the meeting. Thus, many orthopedic surgeons around the world will be able to access the results presented in this meeting and contribute to the follow-up of the same treatment methods.”


Prof. Dr. Parvizi added that the consensus meeting titled orthopedic infections will be held in Istanbul again next year, and said, “Turkey is an undiscovered country, especially in the field of medicine, because medicine in Turkey has very high standards. This meeting was also an opportunity for people from different countries to examine the health services in Turkey and realize how magnificent the hospital, the city and the country are. Next year, 1,800 doctors from 190 countries will come. We will bring the whole world to Istanbul.”


Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist Prof. Dr. İbrahim Tuncay said, ”Scientific studies were conducted before this consensus meeting, which we can call the ‘World Expert Meeting’, organized under the presidency of Parvizi. The data created within the framework of current scientific information was turned into a document. The results, conveyed with a presentation, were opened to discussion by our participants, who are leading names in their fields in 83 countries around the world, primarily experts working in leading health institutions in the USA and Europe. Voting was done for each topic addressed. We can say that there are answers regarding the ongoing discussions for the topics that received acceptance above a certain rate. These answers will be published in the Journal of Arthroplasty, which is considered to be the highest level of scientific knowledge in its field. Thus, they will be seen all over the world.”


Emphasizing that one of the 64 topics covered in prosthesis surgeries is infection, Prof. Dr. Tuncay said, “In this meeting, methods that can be applied to prevent patients from being infected and which ones are more prioritized were also put forward. In addition, meeting outputs such as selecting suitable patients, not having surgery on every patient, which types of treatment methods can be chosen according to patients, and analyzing treatment results are important. Another very important output of this meeting held in Istanbul is that it contributes significantly to Turkey becoming a center of attraction in the field of orthopedics. Experts from different countries of the world who attended the meeting also saw our scientific knowledge on this subject.”

Stating that the history of prosthetic surgery dates back to 1960, Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist Prof. Dr. Remzi Tözün also noted that surgical methods have developed depending on new technologies. Emphasizing that these surgeries provide patients with freedom of movement, a pain-free life and an increased quality of life, Prof. Dr. Tözün said, “Thanks to developing technologies and innovative approaches, prosthetics can be placed in the body in the most appropriate way. In addition, the risk of bleeding and pain gradually decreases and a faster recovery can be achieved after surgery. We can perform prosthetic surgery on a 16-year-old patient or a 102-year-old patient. The important thing here is to adopt a treatment approach according to the patient. If it disrupts the quality of life, restricts life, we can perform prosthetic surgery regardless of age by performing all necessary checks on the patient and making them ideal.”

Emphasizing that consensus meetings held in the field of orthopedics are also very important for Turkey, Dr. Tözün also drew attention to the fact that the meeting results will increase treatment success and thus provide benefits to patients. (İHA)
