50 euros per trip – this section of motorway is already overpriced and it will increase further in 2024

50 euros per trip this section of motorway is

Toll prices will increase from February 1. The largest increase will concern a section that is already particularly expensive.

Taking the highway is becoming more and more expensive. Like every year, toll rates will experience a new increase from 1er February 2024. It will not be 5%, as was feared by a rumor arising from the new tax on companies operating motorway concessions. The average price increase at motorway gates will still be around 3% next year. This is less than the 4.75% record for 2023 but it remains yet another piece of bad news for motorists who are already not spared from fuel price inflation.

This 3% increase is an average calculated on the evolution of prices for the different motorway networks. Among the “good” students, according to figures published by our colleagues from Le Parisien, the companies ASF (Autoroutes du Sud de la France), managed by Vinci, Cofiroute and Escota will apply the smallest increases, up to 2.71%. SANEF, which operates nearly 2,000 kilometers of track in France, mainly in Normandy, Hauts de France and the Grand Est, follows closely with an increase estimated at 2.79%. Conversely, the group whose toll prices will soar the most is already well known for charging fairly exorbitant prices.

Those who have already reached Italy by car via the Fréjus Tunnel know that connecting Modane, in Savoie, to Bardonecchia, in Piedmont, is at great expense. The STRF (Société Française du Tunnel Routier du Fréjus) operates the 13 kilometers of this tunnel crossed in both directions by the A43 motorway. The price of the single trip, for an ordinary vehicle whose height does not exceed 2 meters, amounts to more than 50 euros! Precisely 51.50 euros to complete around ten kilometers in a cylindrical tube where the speed of vehicles is limited to 70 kilometers/hour. To make the round trip between the A43 and the A32 in Italy, count 64 euros if you do not exceed the 7 day deadline.

Already very expensive, this crossing will therefore experience the largest increase in motorway networks in France in 2024. The STRF, again according to the regional daily of Paris and Île-de-France, will increase its prices by 3.87%. This corresponds to an increase of 2 euros on the one-way ticket of the Fréjus Tunnel, or an increase of 15 cents per kilometer of motorway. Despite everything, we would bet that next summer, like every year, the Fréjus Tunnel will be stormed by motorists. To the delight of its operator.
