5 weeks pregnant (7 WA): baby’s heart has doubled

5 weeks pregnant 7 WA babys heart has doubled

At the 5th week of pregnancy, the symptoms are a little more present (stomachache, bloating, nausea…). Baby continues to grow: his heart has doubled in size and his organs are almost all formed. Take advantage of this 5th week of pregnancy to prepare for your first prenatal consultation and make your declaration of pregnancy.

The first month of pregnancy is already behind you, and you begin the 2nd month, at the 5th week of pregnancy (7 SA). Expect to experience more symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, stomach aches and sometimes even back pain. Your belly starts to round off slowly, but you won’t really notice it until the third month of pregnancy. On his side, baby continues to transform, his face and his body are beginning to refine, his organs are almost formed and his heart has doubled in size! Also take advantage of this 5th week to start carrying out your declaration of pregnancy with the various organizations, to make an appointment for your first prenatal consultation, and to find out about the choice of maternity wards. If you haven’t done it yet, the dating ultrasound can be performed during this 5th week of pregnancy or 7 SA.

5 weeks of pregnancy / 7 WA: how many months?

At 5 weeks of pregnancy or 7 weeks of amenorrhea (7SA), you begin the second month of pregnancy.

What symptoms at 5 weeks of pregnancy?

When 5th week of pregnancy, It is not uncommon to have pregnancy nausea, often in the morning, but it can also occur during the day or in the evening. THE lower abdominal pain as well as bloating and other digestive problems are common at the end of the first month. Another common symptom: vaginal discharge which may be more abundant.

Nausea of ​​pregnancy

If you suffer from morning sickness, you are now almost used to it. They have been there for several days, even weeks. These nausea are obviously unpleasant but should not worry you, unless they have an impact on your personal and professional life. Be patient, they should subside in the coming weeks. In the meantime, remember to hydrate yourself well and eat regularly but in small quantities. Ginger and lemon balm can also provide relief.

Discharge and bleeding

At 5 weeks pregnantit is not uncommon to have more abundant vaginal secretions than usual. They are the consequence of hormonal changes induced by pregnancy. As long as these discharges are white and odorless, there is no cause for alarm. If, on the other hand, they are colored, smelly or accompanied by itching, it is better to consult because they could be the symptoms. fungus or infection. Bleeding affects almost one in four women in first trimester of pregnancy. If they can be a symptom of miscarriage when accompanied by pain, or abruption of the placenta, they are generally not serious. The uterine wall is more irrigated and sensitive and bleeds more easily, especially after a gynecological examination or sexual intercourse.

Stomach ache and digestive problems

Pregnancy upsets your digestive system. In addition to the problems of morning sickness, other small disorders can appear such as bloating after meals or heartburn. Avoid eating foods that are too fatty or too spicy, split your meals into several intakes and avoid lying down within 2 hours after the meal so as not to block digestion. If it doesn’t go away, talk to your doctor or gynecologist. They can advise you on effective solutions.

I have no symptoms at 5 weeks pregnant, is this normal?

If there’s one thing all moms-to-be should keep in mind, it’s that every pregnancy (and every baby!) is unique. It is however difficult in early pregnancy not to compare. For a woman who will have very strong nausea and will feel intense fatigue, another pregnant woman will not have no symptoms. However, this is not an indicator of good course of pregnancy. Just as some future mothers will see their bellies grow very quickly, others will have an almost flat stomach at 5 months of pregnancy. Try to calm down and, while listening to your body, not to over-interpret the signs it sends you.

What HCG level at 5 weeks pregnant?

At 5 weeks of pregnancy, the rate HCG is located on average between 10,000 and 130,000 mIU/L.

Your symptoms are severe, your belly is starting to swell, your hCG level is very high, the doctor wonders if you might be pregnant with twins ! Only possibility to confirm it: ultrasound. They can come from the fertilization of the same egg and be what we call monozygotic twins who share the same DNA or come from two fertilized eggs, we then speak of dizygotic twins or fraternal twinswhich do not have the same DNA and may be of different sexes.

When to do the dating ultrasound?

It is recommended to perform the dating ultrasound between 3 and 7 weeks of pregnancy, when the egg sac appears in the uterus. This ultrasound, prior to that of the first trimester, makes it possible to date the start of pregnancy more precisely and therefore to define the dates of the next ultrasounds to be performed.

How does the fetus develop at 5 weeks of pregnancy?

  • Liver, kidneys… Most of his vital organs are now almost fully formed. Without forgetting the sexual organs which continue their development.
  • the heart has almost doubled in size and is now running at full speed. From 40 beats per minute, it increased to 150 pulses. That’s almost twice the rate of an adult. It now has four chambers, the lower chambers and the upper chambers.
  • His head is now well separated from the rest of his bodyeven if it seems completely disproportionate.
  • His face, too, is taking shape. We can distinguish a small protrusion at the level of the eyes, small hollows at the level of the nose and the mouth, small slits instead of the ears…
  • Its small tail begins to shrink to make room for its two small legs. You can even guess the outline of two buds that will become its feet.
  • His arms are also developing, with everything needed to give birth, in the coming weeks, to two little hands.

How tall is the baby at 5 weeks pregnant?

At 5 weeks pregnant or 7 weeks, the embryo measures about 6 mm. It’s still tiny and yet it looks more and more like a miniature human.

What to do at 5 weeks of pregnancy, what steps?

At this beginning of 2nd month of pregnancyremember to make an appointment for your first prenatal consultation (if it has not yet been done) and resend your declaration of pregnancy to social organizations. Also find out about the maternity ward where you want to give birth!

Declaration of pregnancy

You have done your first prenatal consultation a few days ago ? Your doctor or midwife must have given you a pregnancy declaration form. Note that you must send it before the 13th week of pregnancy to benefit from your social rights (maternity insurance, family benefits, etc.). The first two parts of this form must be sent to your family allowance fund (CAF), the third to your health insurance body. A few days later, you will receive a maternity health record, which will follow you throughout the pregnancy.

Choose your motherhood

You still have a little time, but nothing prevents you from finding out and compare the different maternities around you to choose the one in which you want to give birth. You can make your choice according to different criteria: geographical proximity, number of caesarean sections performed, comfort of the rooms. The type of pregnancy (normal or pathological, single or twin pregnancy, etc.) is also taken into account. Do not hesitate to call them to find out how to register. In some big cities, and in some establishments, it is better to get there as soon as possible, because the waiting lists are very long. Consult our maternity guide


From the start of pregnancy, your doctor will make sure by taking a blood test that you are immune to toxoplasmosis. A parasitic disease can have dramatic consequences for the fetus: risk of brain damage, deafness, blindness but also increased risk of miscarriage or fetal death in-utero. If you are not immunized, you will have to take a blood test every month and above all be very vigilant on a daily basis.
