5 warning symptoms of organ descent

5 warning symptoms of organ descent

Heaviness in the lower abdomen, urinary leakage… These may be signs of a prolapse or descent of organs into the vagina. Symptoms occur mostly when it gets worse.

Genital prolapse is a female pathology, benign and frequent. It corresponds to the descent of one or more organs that rest on the pelvic floor – mainly the uterus, bladder or rectum – into the vagina. Most prolapses are minimally symptomatic, especially at first. Symptoms appear as the prolapse progresses. Turn of the signs with the Dr Olivier Jourdain, gynecological surgeon.

1. A lump in the vagina

The main symptom of genital prolapse is the sensation ofa vaginal lump (the feeling of “sitting on a ball”)increased by standing, so especially at the end of the day and when the woman coughs or after exertion with repeated small shocks such as a long walk or a run for example“, describes our interlocutor. This discomfort is much less visible, even non-existent in the morning, after a night when the woman is lying down.

Lump in the vagina in case of uterine prolapse © Vectoressa – stock.adobe.com

2. Lower abdomen discomfort

Prolapse is manifested by heaviness in the pelvic area or discomfort in the perineum (lower abdomen). Discomfort varies depending on the stage of advancement of the prolapse. “The discomfort is sometimes so strong that some women reduce their physical activity such as walking, sometimes even unconsciously“, observes the specialist.

3. Leaking urine

The female pelvis is made up of three compartments : the anterior compartment which corresponds to the bladder, the middle compartment which corresponds to the uterus and the posterior compartment which corresponds to the rectum. A prolapse corresponds to the descent of one or more compartments“, recalls Dr. Jourdain. During life, the muscles of the perineum can weaken and no longer be able to “support” the organs, especially if the woman is exposed to risk factors (smoking, childbirth, port heavy loads, obesity, chronic constipation, chronic cough, etc.) Thus, a prolapse can lead to additional symptoms such as urinary disorders (women may have problems controlling urination, leading to involuntary leakage of urine (urinary incontinence) or problems completely emptying their bladder (urinary retention)….) due to compression of the urethra by the collapsed organ. “But it’s not systematic. In the same way, urine leaks are not necessarily linked to a prolapse“, wishes to clarify our interlocutor.

The 3 types of genital prolapse © FARAWAYKINGDOM – stock.adobe.com

4. Constipation

Anal incontinence is more rare in the case of prolapse. On the other hand, complicated defecation or constipation are frequent and promote prolapse simply because of the pushing effort.“, says our expert. Some women may also have difficulty completely emptying their bowels.

5. Pain

Pain (pelvic, lumbar, coccyx, editor’s note) appears when the prolapse is very advanced (exterior prolapse)“, indicates our specialist. The pain increases in a prolonged standing position or at the end of the day and decreases in a lying position or at rest. pain during sex are also observed. These pains during intercourse are accentuated with apprehension and psychological discomfort. If you notice these symptoms appearing, talk to your doctor.

Does a descent of organs make the belly swell?

Nopeanswers our interlocutor. On the other hand, obesity and overweight are risk factors for prolapse. In case of overweight or obesity, losing weight is the best prevention.

Thanks to Dr Olivier Jourdain, gynecological surgeon. Polyclinic Jean Villar (Establishment Elsan Bordeaux)
