5 useful tips in V Rising that I wish I knew beforehand

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The indie game V Rising is a huge hit, attracting tens of thousands of players. However, it often puzzles newcomers to the survival genre, but also experienced veterans. MeinMMO tells you a few tricks that will make your life as a vampire much easier – after we’ve lost our sharp teeth.

V Rising is quite popular. Although some of the mechanics drive the players insane, the new survival game with vampires can convince.

On Steam, V Rising has a proud 88% positive ratings and the new survival game can even drive away top dogs on Twitch, at least at the time of release. Of course, the influx of new players is huge at first.

We also checked out V Rising and saw what actually makes the game so good. Our first steps out of the coffin were still a bit shaky, but the second attempt was safer. And on the trip we found some helpful tips that would have saved us a lot of time and work in hindsight.

Here you will find all important information about V Rising in 2 minutes:

All information about the new vampire survival MMO “V Rising” on Steam – in 2 minutes

1. As a bear you can destroy simple walls, iron and silver

Relatively early in the game you will encounter walls and palisades made of wood, such as the bandit king in Boss Quincey. This hides in a fortress, which is protected by walls and doors. Actually, you have to complete the following steps to get to Quincey:

  • kills Clive the fire starter to learn the explosives and sulfur recipe
  • builds explosives at the alchemy bank
  • bring the explosives to the doors, place and detonate them
  • This brings with it some disadvantages. Explosives, for example, cannot be taken by teleporters and cost a lot of resources and time to produce.

    However, if you hunt the wild bear before Quincey, you will learn the bear form. It sounds useless at first, but it has a hidden property: you can destroy stronger material. With the use of his special ability (default key: Q), you can tear down the gate of the bandit fortress with one hit.

    Another advantage: you transform yourself, so you don’t need any additional materials and it works anywhere and anytime. According to players, this does not work with other players’ palisades, but it does with higher-tier ores such as iron and silver.

    V Rising: It’s that easy to make leather

    2. Put on your best gear if you want to track V Blood

    Bosses, or V-Blood bearers, can be hunted down your blood altar. You pick up their scent and then follow them to their location. However, the Altar of Blood has a mechanic that is not explained in detail.

    Which objectives you can pursue depends on the item level you have equipped. In V Rising you don’t level yourself, only your equipment. This means: the higher the level of your equipment, the more bosses you have to choose from for the hunt.

    Therefore, always put on the best armor and weapon you own at the blood altar – regardless of whether you want to use them. In the example you can see the difference between an iron weapon and an improved iron weapon with otherwise identical equipment:

    Alternatively, you can simply hunt down bosses using V Rising’s interactive map. The map shows you the location of all resources and bosses, but that takes away the hunting feeling, which clearly contributes to the vampire flair.

    V Rising: The 6 blood types and their buffs – what they do and how to get them

    3. Buildings can be easily moved

    As you build your base, you will steadily expand it over time. New rooms are added or become larger, new buildings and production facilities are required. This also means that you will eventually have to rearrange if you did not plan big enough beforehand.

    In many survival games, workbenches and the like have to be demolished and rebuilt. However, in V Rising you can easily move them with a simple click in the build menu, easily in rooms and over walls or even long distances.

    Just keep moving normally with the selected building. You can even interact with doors, and simply park chests, workbenches, coffins, and more in front of the door. This saves resources, because when you disassemble you usually only get 75% of the materials back.

    Just about anything is easy to move, even across walls. Here: our throne.

    This is also useful if you’re building new chests but want them in the place of the old ones. Move the old chest, build the new one, and then rearrange the contents. Also, this plays along with a mechanic from V Rising, the special rooms.

    Most production facilities are more efficient if they are in an enclosed space with the right floor. But you first have to unlock the floors through research. You can still build the corresponding workbenches and simply switch them later.

    4. You can teleport horses and see their stats

    In V Rising there are many portals through which travel around the world is faster. However, you can only use these if you do not have any resources with you. By default, you are only allowed to have the following items with you:

  • weapons
  • armor
  • consumables
  • Even explosives are not allowed and will block teleportation. After all, towards the middle of the game you will find horses that make transport faster. But there is a trick here: horses can be teleported.

    If you are on a mount, you can simply ride to the portal and activate it. You will then land with the horse at the destination. This is especially useful if you’re going on a hunt and want to head off mounted from the base.

    By the way: if you press Tab next to or on your horse, you can see its values ​​and supply it with water so that it survives. So you can keep your particularly good nags longer and park less popular horses somewhere.

    5. Always sleep in your coffin, otherwise trolls will drag you around

    As long as you sleep, other players can simply “pull” you. Literally, the feature allows you to drag the bodies of other vampires around. So trolls or that one friend who only has stupid ideas can kill you on PvE servers.

    When you log out of V Rising, your vampire will lie where you left the game and sleep. This mechanic is found in many survival games. That means you’re unprotected, but you have another downside.

    For example, if someone pulls you into the sunlight, you will burn there and everything about you that is not blood-bound will probably disappear.

    You can protect yourself from this simply by sleeping in your coffin. It doesn’t matter whether it’s made of wood or stone. In the coffin you are always protected from being pulled and can log out and sleep in peace.

    V Rising is still in Early Access, but is already showing great potential – despite some hidden tricks. We’ll be playing and testing it for a while, but you’ll probably soon find it in our list of the best survival games for PC, Xbox and PlayStation.
