5 (unexpected) tips from a cardiologist to become a centenarian

5 unexpected tips from a cardiologist to become a centenarian

In his latest book, Dr. Frédéric Saldmann gives us plenty of advice on how to reach the age of 100 (and beyond!) in good health.

How to live to be 100 years old, and in great shape to boot? This is the question that Dr. Frédéric Saldmann, cardiologist and nutritionist, tries to answer in his new book, entitled Health ahead (ed. Robert Laffont). Some tips to apply today:

  • Take charge as soon as possible. In humans, aging begins at the age of 26: every year, we lose on average between 1% and 2% of our muscle mass. Hence the importance of not waiting for retirement to worry about your physical and mental well-being…
  • Focus on novelty. It’s proven: Routine is bad for brain health. Regularly learning new experiences (for example: learning a musical instrument, discovering a foreign language, going on vacation in a new place, meeting new people, etc.) allows our mind to become more efficient.
  • Cultivate optimism.Optimists also make old bones, they live seven years longer, on average” says Dr. Frédéric Saldmann. To be optimistic on a daily basis, the doctor recommends setting goals: “if you give meaning to your life, you gain in longevity“.
  • Play sports. Doing (at least) 40 minutes of physical activity a day reduces the risk of cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and cardiovascular disease by 40%. Obviously, this only works if you practice regularly: the best solution is therefore to integrate physical activity into your daily life (gardening, cleaning, walking, etc.).
  • Tolerate (a little) stress. It’s a recent German study that says it: the total absence of stress leads to a drop in immunity, an increase in inflammation, and a loss of longevity. “It takes stress to keep on livingemphasizes Dr. Frédéric Saldmann. We are like automatic watches: we recharge in movement.

Source :The ParisianWednesday, March 30, 2022.

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