5 things to give to friends who are completely addicted to Baldur’s Gate 3

It’s getting wintry outside and the holidays are approaching. All Baldur’s Gate 3 players have just received a big pre-Christmas present in the form of Patch 5. So that you can make them even more happy, here are 5 gift ideas that don’t require you to work at Larian Studios.

Now that the holidays and with them the big gift season are approaching, the question naturally arises as to what you can give a Baldur’s Gate 3 fan. We have put together five inspirations for you.

By the way, you can read what’s in the new Patch 5 here:

more on the subject

Baldur’s Gate 3: Patch 5 is here – The patch notes for the new endings, game modes and bug fixes

by Benedict Grothaus

A shared round of Dungeons & Dragons

Baldur’s Gate 3 is based on Dungeons & Dragons. The game not only takes place in the world of pen & paper, but also adopts the entire dice system and many items. After a few intensive rounds of Baldur’s Gate 3 you are already familiar with many elements of Dungeons & Dragons. So nothing should stand in the way of starting your first D&D adventure.

For a round of Dungeons & Dragons you need yourself and a few friends. For example, you can get together digitally via voice/video chat and online tools like Roll20 or One D&D. Of course you can also meet for a personal meeting at home.

To get started you need paper, pen, a set of dice, characters and the basic rules. Wizards of the Coast makes the basic rules available to download for free – unfortunately only in English.

This YouTube video provides tips and tricks for playing D&D online:

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But for a real game you actually need an adventure, a story. Your chosen game master can of course write these himself. Alternatively, you can also give away one of the two starter sets available in German. It contains everything you need for your first round of D&D.

If you are an experienced pen & paper player, you can of course also give the adventure Descent into Avernus as a gift. The book covers the backstory to Baldur’s Gate 3 – here you’ll learn, for example, where the Tiefling refugees from the Emerald Grove in the game originally came from.


As mentioned above, you need pen & paper dice to play Dungeons & Dragons. By the way, dice look very stylish and are a popular collector’s item among players. Hardly a D&D session goes by without people showing each other the beautiful new sets.

A Pen & Paper set consists of seven dice named according to the number of sides they have:

  • W4
  • W6
  • W8
  • W10
  • D100 (percent die)
  • W12
  • W30
  • Occasionally a W2, a coin, is also used and very rarely the rules ask for an obscure W3. You can also replace a W3 with a W6. Simply determine which two sides of the cube should represent 1, 2 and 3.

    A selection of dice from MeinMMO author Sophia.

    Dice come in all sorts of colors and shapes – yes, even shapes. You can purchase a set at your local game store or buy the official ones from Wizards of the Coast online. Alternatively, there is always the option of using one of the many small artist shops online. For example, there is a flood of small retailers on Etsy offering handmade sets – this is where the selection is largest.

    Of course, the gift is even cooler if the dice set is in the recipient’s favorite colors. Or you can find a set that matches the recipient’s favorite Baldur’s Gate 3 character.

    Cards for Magic: The Gathering

    You don’t have to play Magic: The Gathering to collect the cards I recommend. The card game is also part of Wizards of the Coast and has a lot of overlap with Dungeons & Dragons. Of course there are also a number of maps related to Baldur’s Gate 3.

    There are of course many NPCs, but also all the companions. Here are three examples:

    Anyone who loves Baldur’s Gate 3 will definitely be happy to receive cards for their favorite characters.

    Wizards of the Coast offers the cards in Commander decks, set, draft and collector boosters with stylish packaging. You can purchase them online or at a local game store of your choice.

    But if you want to give away a specific card, things get tricky: with Commander decks it is determined which cards are included, but with boosters it is random. Online card shops, as well as local game stores, can help here.

    Many stores that sell boosters also offer the service of buying and reselling individual cards. Ask your local card shop whether the service is offered. If you are looking online, you can look at websites like cardmarket.com or gate-to-the-games.de. In the editorial department we have had very good experiences with bb-spiele.de.

    A game like Baldur’s Gate 3

    Baldur’s Gate 3 is a very special game. It is currently the best C-RPG and offers a lot that other games in the genre don’t have – the completely synchronized cutscenes, for example.

    But of course there are enough games that come very close to the Baldur’s Gate 3 experience overall. My colleague Benedict has put together two lists for you in which he presents a total of 13 alternatives – one dedicated each with and one without turn-based combat.

    Play Baldur’s Gate 3 with them in co-op

    Nothing brings someone more joy than sharing his or her passion with friends and family. Maybe video games aren’t your thing or you don’t have enough time for a mammoth game like Baldur’s Gate 3. But that’s exactly what will make your gift so special:

    With a co-op round you are not just giving a co-op round, but rather a shared and most likely fun time together. It also shows that you are interested in the person and are willing to get involved in their interests. You give joy.

    By the way, this is particularly well received if you live a little further away from each other. A game of D&D works well digitally, but perhaps not quite as smoothly as a game developed for it. A round of Baldur’s Gate 3 is also a lot of fun for two people, while Pen & Papers only becomes really fun with three to five players.

    5 helpful tips for Baldur’s Gate 3

    More videos

    Did you find something in the list that appeals to you? In any case, we wish you much success in putting together your gift.

    More about Baldur’s Gate 3: 4 improvements to Baldur’s Gate 3 that made the game of 2023 even better
