5 series like The Rookie

We have collected series that are similar to The Rookie in a list. We’ll introduce you to 5 titles that you might like if you liked the police series.

What kind of series are these? The selection of titles was made by the editorial team. We also paid attention to a good rating on IMDb.

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1. Rizzoli & Isles

German trailer for the first season of the crime series Rizzoli & Isles

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The drama series is about the investigative work of police officer Jane Rizzoli and her friend, forensic pathologist Dr. Maura Isles. The two of them couldn’t be more different in personality, but because of their different perspectives and professional focuses, they form a successful team that gets to the bottom of difficult cases.

Watch Rizzoli & Isles if you like the following about The Rookie:

  • Crimes that are investigated and solved
  • Close working relationships between the characters
  • Focus on character development
  • self-contained cases
  • That’s what the IMDb ratings say: With 38,140 reviews, the series gets an average of 7.6 stars on IMDb.

    Fun fact: When Maura says to Jane that she might “move to Maine and write crime novels,” this is a reference to Tess Gerritsen. This is the author of the books on which the television series is based. (via IMDb)

    2. NCIS

    Trailer for the 17th season of NCIS

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    NCIS revolves around a team of investigators who focus on the cases related to the Navy or Navy.

    Led by Special Agent Leroy Jathro Gibbs, a team of specialists work together to solve the crimes. The series not only focuses on crime work, but also on the dynamics between the various characters.

    Watch NCIS if you like the following about The Rookie:

  • Law enforcement and investigations
  • new case per episode
  • Focus on industrial relations
  • Development of the characters
  • A portion of humor
  • That’s what the IMDb ratings say: The series has an average of 7.8 stars with a total of 163,501 IMDb ratings.

    Fun fact: Pauley Perrette plays a forensic scientist in the series. In fact, the actor had completed a degree in forensic science before the series. (via IMDb)
