5 series like A terribly nice family

We have collected series for you that are similar to A Terribly Nice Family in a list. We introduce you to 5 titles that you might like if you liked the sitcom.

What kind of series are these? The titles were selected based on the editorial team.

Are you also fans of Dexter? Then take a look at this list: 5 series like Dexter.

1. Unhappily Ever After

Intro from the sitcom To Worse and Forever

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The series follows Jack Malloy, a newly separated car salesman who moves into a run-down apartment and leaves his family behind. Jack develops schizophrenia and begins talking to a stuffed bunny named Mr. Floppy, given to him by his youngest son. Together with Mr. Floppy, he comments on life and the people around him – including his family.

Watch For Worse and Forever if you like the following A Terribly Nice Family:

  • Black humor and snappy dialogues
  • Broken family full of strange characters
  • Similar style to A Terribly Nice Family, a bit rougher
  • This is what the IMDb ratings say: The series receives 6.9 stars with a total of 3,241 ratings on IMDb.

    Fun fact: One of the minds behind this series, Ron Leavitt, was also co-creator of A Terribly Nice Family. (via IMDb)

    2. Roseanne

    Intro to the comedy series Roseanne

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    Roseanne is about the working-class Conner family and their daily challenges. The main character, Roseanne Conner, has a particularly sarcastic sense of humor and approaches life in a rather original way. The family copes with everyday problems with a lot of humor and often sharp wit.

    Watch Roseanne if you like the following A Terribly Nice Family:

  • Rough, realistic comedy
  • Strong women
  • Sarcastic, cynical humor
  • Complex relationships
  • This is what the IMDb ratings say: With 46,452 ratings on IMDb, the series has 7.0 stars.

    Fun fact: Johnny Galecki, Sara Gilbert, Laurie Metcalf and Sara Rue all starred in Roseanne. And you can also see all four actors in the popular sitcom The Big Bang Theory. (via Celebrity Pool)
