5 pro tips for applying bronzer and looking good

5 pro tips for applying bronzer and looking good

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    In these rainy times, when the sun is desired, bronzer quickly becomes an essential. But how to apply it correctly? An expert shares her best advice.

    Make-up and you, that’s two? On Instagram, Amy Conway, expert makeup artist, reveals five tips for handling sun powder like a pro.

    Applying bronzer: instructions for use

    1. Place sun powder on the cheek bone

    Contouring is placed below the cheekbone, sun powder above.”, explains the makeup artist. In other words: with the brush, simply reproduce the famous gesture in the shape of the number three – on the forehead, cheeks and under the jaw – to use the product properly. “It’s much more flattering.”estimates the makeup artist.

    2. Make up the tragus of the ears

    To obtain this natural “haunted” effect, the tragus (the small piece of cartilage located towards the inside of the ear) must not be forgotten. In her Instagram video, the makeup artist shows how to deposit a small quantity of material on this essential area.

    3. Focus on the hairline

    Another good thing to remember to look good: apply powder to the roots of the hair – taking care to clear them well. In fact, tapping a little powder on this area helps avoid a too marked halo effect.

    4. Hold your brush at the end

    It’s a simple tip that makes a difference: keep your brush away from the bristles. According to Amy Conway, we are otherwise exposed to “a heavier application” And “movements to blend makeup may be more visible”.

    5. Pat the powder upwards

    To lift the face, there is no need to apply bronzer in circular motions. Better to apply it directly “by tapping“, explains the expert. She also recommends tapping the material”to the top” at the level of the cheekbones, to obtain an even more lifting effect.
