The animated videos for League of Legends are not very popular and watched for nothing. MeinMMO author Linda has now dealt with them for the first time and has put together a small list for you here.
Why League of Legends Videos? To be honest, I’ve never been very interested in League of Legends. Of course I know a bit about the game, but my knowledge doesn’t go beyond what you can pick up here and there on the internet.
Since I was young, various friends have been bugging me about how great LoL is and that I should try it out. However, the images I saw of the gameplay never really grabbed me and as a result I never really got involved with the game.
Ultimately, through my work for MeinMMO, I stumbled upon some animated, official videos that caught my attention and inspired me in different ways. Above all, I was surprised at how much lore there really seems to be in League of Legends.
I didn’t expect so many different characters and especially settings when I clicked through the different videos.
I don’t know if I’ll still get into League of Legends and maybe still get something out of the gameplay. But the following videos definitely made me take a closer look around.
1st League of Legends “Warriors” Season 2020
The classic LoL trailer?
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Honestly, the 2020 season animated video is exactly what I imagined League of Legends videos to be: lots of fantasy and combat. In terms of content, it didn’t surprise me much, but it still really convinced me.
The version of the song “Warriors” used here is beautiful and sets the perfect mood that makes me root for the characters although I have no idea who I’m actually watching.
In my opinion, the video and the song play together perfectly and you can tell how much thought the producers put into it.
2. Shadow of the Doubt – Star Guardian 2022
The “Magical Girls” from League of Legends
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In contrast to the first video, this one really surprised me.
The setting has something of a dark “Magical Girl” and honestly looks like an anime that I would watch. I really liked the fight the character has with “himself” and the animations are beautifully done.
All in all, the video really won me over because it’s very different from anything I’ve always imagined League of Legends to be like. And with that, it got me interested in finding out how these “Magical Girls” fit into the world of League of Legends.
3. The Curse of the Sad Mummy
I wasn’t ready for that
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Least of all as I clicked through the videos, I was expecting to almost cry. This little mummy definitely nailed it with the music video though.
The story the video tells is just sad. The little, lonely mummy who embarks on a journey because she finally wants to make friends. I hoped the whole time that she would at least find a boyfriend in the end, but was painfully disappointed.
I probably shouldn’t have expected anything else from the title “The Curse of the Sad Mummy”, but I still hoped. The desperation of the little mummy broke my heart a bit and then to learn in the comments below the video that the curse is to blame for everything didn’t make it any better.
4. Get Jinxed
Getting past Jinx must have been utterly impossible in recent years. And I think for good reason. Jinx definitely seems like a fun character and after watching this short music video I can already see the hype surrounding her.
She gives off a certain “Harley Quinn” energy at least in the video and I personally like that quite a bit. And while she’s just wacky and messy in the video, enjoying explosions and gunfights, there’s a subtle sense that there’s a lot more to her character than that.
Coming up more with Jinx and her story is definitely higher on my to-do list now.
5. Fire to the Fuse
The last video really got me excited because of the music.
I’m a fan of Chinese singer Jackson Wang myself and I didn’t even realize he did a song for League of Legends. That’s why I was a bit happy to stumble across a video with his music.
In addition, I find the whole video very nicely done, with the colors and effects used here. The video has a very small and short storyline, but it is well written for that.
Are there any League of Legends videos that really got you excited or even convinced you of the game? Feel free to write it in the comments.