5 phrases to say to your children at bedtime to strengthen your relationship

5 phrases to say to your children at bedtime to

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    Bedtime is important for children, after a long day at school, at home or at the leisure center. What should you say to him at this time? Here are the five phrases that experts recommend.

    It is important to ritualize bedtime for a child. Whether by reading a story, listening to soft, relaxing music or simply a short discussion about their day, take this time to spend precious time with your child.

    Create a moment of intimacy, to strengthen your bond

    By sharing a few minutes with your child before he falls asleep, you will help to ease his fears. This moment can also help to relax him and avoid separation anxiety, often present at bedtime in children. By ridding him of his fears, your child will have a good night’s sleep, without nightmares or night terrors.

    Phrases to say during this special moment

    If you’re wondering what phrases to whisper into your child’s ear before bed, early childhood experts have shared their recommendations on the @firstcryintelli Instagram account. Here they are.

    I’m proud of the way you worked today

    By saying these words, you recognize the value of your child and their efforts throughout the day. This boosts his self-esteem and encourages him to pursue them. This will also push him to gain self-confidence, to gain autonomy and independence.

    You don’t have to be perfect, just be yourself

    Children always want to please their parents. To do this, they put a lot of pressure on their shoulders, which generates anxiety and anguish. To avoid this, regularly remind your child that you love him for who he is and not for what he does.

    Would you like to share something about your day today with me?

    It’s important to know how your child’s day is going when they’re not with you. This will tell you his psychological and emotional state at the moment. And can help you detect if something is wrong or bothering him at school. Additionally, it is important for a child to know that they can safely confide in their parent, no matter what.

    Can I help you with something that concerns you?

    Once in bed, your child will be more willing to indulge. This sentence, which completes the previous one, helps remind your child that you are present and that you can provide them with all the help they may need. This will strengthen the trust he has in you, while helping him manage any small problems he may encounter. A good way to boost your autonomy, in short.

    I will always be there for you whenever you need me

    Finally, this little sentence also shows the support that you will be able to provide to your child, whatever the circumstances. This allows him to develop with complete peace of mind, knowing that you are by his side to help him through life’s challenges. This way he can know that you will always be by his side, in good times and bad.

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