5 people accused of espionage in the USA! On behalf of the Chinese government…

5 people accused of espionage in the USA On behalf

The US Department of Justice accused 5 people of aiding the Chinese Communist Party in activities such as stalking, harassing and spying on dissidents in the US.

In a written statement from the ministry, “The 5 people in question are accused of helping the pressure on US residents whose political views and actions offend China.” statement was given.


These individuals were accused of aiding the Chinese Communist Party in activities such as stalking, harassing and spying on dissidents in the United States.

It was noted that among the targets of the people in question were a congressional candidate and a sculpture artist living in Los Angeles.

In the statement, among the 5 people in question, Frank Liu, 62, who is the owner of a media company, Matthew Ziburis, 49, who works as a guard in Florida, and Qiang Jason Sun, who works in a China-based technology company, acted in conjunction with each other. It was also shared that he was detained in the Long Island area of ​​York. (AA)
