5 (!) new adventures from an MCU favorite we may never see in cinemas again

5 new adventures from an MCU favorite we may

The Guardians of the Galaxy are history. Sure, in times of the multiverse, nobody’s ever really dead. But after the emotional farewell in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, a sequel may never come, as director James Gunn claims (via Esquire). So it’s good that I’m Groot Season 2 is back from today brings back a favorite of the spacetroops on Disney+.

At Disney+: 5 MCU adventures sweeten the saddest Marvel goodbye of the year

I am Groot is aimed at a younger audience. Tree creature Groot (original voice: Vin Diesel) experiences five small adventures in season 2, in which he builds a snowman and desperately looking for coins for an interstellar ice cream truck.


Groot (Vin Diesel) in I Am Groot

Starlord (Chris Pratt), Gamora (Zoe Saldana) and most of the other Guardians are missing. With Rocket (Bradley Cooper) is at least represented the emotional heart of Guardians 3 and sweetens the farewell that Marvel fans had to say to the MCU squad this year.

When is I bin Groot season 3 coming to Disney+?

Even if there will be no more films with the Guardians for the time being, further Disney + adventures from Groot are not unlikely. Should season 2 be successful, we reckon in the Fall 2024 with season 3.

Podcast for One Piece fans: The German voice of Luffy in an interview about the Netflix series

Netflix’s One Piece series breaks the curse of bad anime adaptations. A highlight of the shrill pirate adventure is the return of the well-known German anime voices. Monkey D. Luffy explains to us personally in the podcast interview why that was the right decision.

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For more than 20 years, voice actor Daniel hose has been lending his voice to the straw hat pirate Luffy. In the podcast, he talks to us about his work on the Netflix adaptation and reveals why he almost quit the job. We also discuss our highlights from Netflix’ One Piece.

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