5 natural suggestions effective in insulin resistance

5 natural suggestions effective in insulin resistance

It is very important to take sugar into the cell. Because excess sugar accumulation in the blood causes toxic effects. Some harm may occur in the body due to this. When this happens, the pancreas starts producing more insulin to keep blood sugar levels within normal limits. If this situation continues for a long time, the cells become more and more resistant to insulin. Thus, both insulin and blood sugar levels in the blood do not remain within normal limits. Dietician and Phytotherapy Specialist Fulya Kaya gave information about the subject.


There are many studies that show that the most important cause of insulin resistance is the increased amount of fat in the blood and excess weight. Therefore, the most effective treatment method is to regulate nutrition and weight loss.


  • Feeling of heaviness after meals, drowsiness
  • Hand tremor, sweating as sugar begins to drop uncontrollably after a meal
  • Uncontrollable weight gain
  • Frequent cravings for sweets
  • feeling tired
  • Gradual enlargement of the waist circumference
  • Browning, especially in the armpits, groin and neck areas called ‘Acanthosis Nigricans’
  • fatty liver
  • It can be listed as menstrual irregularities in women.
  • The main treatment for insulin resistance is to lose weight and eat healthy.

Nigella sativa

It is insulinotropic.

It has an inducing effect on beta cell function, thereby increasing serum insulin levels. In the fight against diabetes, black cumin has been shown to have antidiabetic effects by supporting the regeneration of the pancreas.

Usage: It should be consumed by adding 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of yogurt 2 times a day.


It activates insulin receptors and acts by increasing sensitivity to insulin. It stimulates the secretion of satiety hormone.

Usage: Every day, 1 stick of cinnamon should be added to half a liter of water and drunk during the day.


It increases insulin secretion and increases insulin reuptake in the periphery.

Usage: 15 olive leaves should be brewed with 250 ml of hot water for 15 minutes and drunk during the day.


It reduces glucose absorption by affecting blood sugar hemostasis. It also increases insulin release from the pancreas.

Usage: The fresh herb can be cooked as a meal with olive oil. Dried form can be brewed as a tea. Add 1 teaspoon to 1 glass of water and infuse for 10 minutes.

Fenugreek Seeds

It delays gastric emptying, inhibits glucose transport due to its fiber content, increases erythrocyte insulin receptors.

Usage: It should be consumed by adding 1 tablespoon to 4 spoons of yogurt.
