5 mistakes to avoid during an anxiety attack (otherwise it will get worse)

5 mistakes to avoid during an anxiety attack otherwise it

In transport, when speaking in front of everyone… An anxiety attack or “panic attack” can be very surprising for those who experience it. Caught in the whirlwind of emotion, we tend to make bad decisions.

Anxiety attack, also called panic attack, is characterized by intense and uncontrollable fear. On average, a crisis lasts 20 to 30 minutes. In particular, the individual experiences difficulty in breathing, suffers from palpitationsof dizziness and of tachycardia. These symptoms are sometimes associated with nausea and vomiting. What mistakes should you not make? in the event of an anxiety attack? Answers and advice from Johanna Rozenblum, clinical psychologist.

1. Ignore its symptoms

Nausea, sweating, dizziness, difficulty in breathing, heart palpitations… These symptoms are characteristic of an anxiety attack. In this situation, we tend to do everything possible to escape what we feel, to try to focus our attention on something else, it is so uncomfortable. However, this is counterproductive and only generates additional anxiety. “If we start to have physiological reactions of fear and we ignore these early symptoms, the panic attack may worsen. It is necessary to take into account these symptoms which are a warning signal. Our body reacts because it feels in danger, we have to listen to it“, comments Johanna Rozenblum, clinical psychologist in Paris.

2. Persist in the situation that generates stress

There is always a trigger in the panic attack. “It is often something situational like taking public transport, having to speak in public, being overworked, going through a period of fatigue, taking a stimulant… But, persevering in a situation that is not favorable to us without having understood that it triggers in us this rise of anxiety is a form of denial of what is difficult to tolerate and bear“, argues the clinical psychologist. It is better become aware of situations that are not favorable to us and which generate stress and prepare for it. How ? By going to see a psychologist, by doing relaxationof the meditationby asking for help from a colleague or friend who will be able to reassure us about what we are going through and put in place tools that can help us better manage the situation.

3. Isolate yourself out of shame or fear of being judged

When you experience a feeling of intense fear, the social bond creates comfort, and comfort creates reassurance. When one is reassured, the mind calms down. But most of us tend to remain isolated and aloof for fear of being judged, of being seen as irrational or crazy. An ineffective strategy that will to ruminate and become entangled in symptoms and negative thoughts, which is likely to accentuate the fear and the crisis of anguish. “Having someone to talk to, who can hug us will help us breathe and slow our heart rate through breathing. Symptoms of anxiety will subside and thoughts will become more rational. We will be able to return to calm to understand what happened“, details the specialist.

4. Not daring to talk to a professional about it

People prone to anxiety attacks may be reluctant to consult a health professional. But it’s a good thing for learn to destigmatize your fear, not to be ashamed of it, to give it meaning and to master it thanks to specific tools such as TCCs. “Sometimes this can help diagnose an anxiety disorder, in which case there may be in addition to psychotherapy, prescription of drug treatment intended to regulate anxiety“, continues our interlocutor.

5. Neglecting your lifestyle

An unhealthy lifestyle can promote the onset of anxiety attacks. It is therefore important to adopt a balanced diet, practicing regular physical activity and maintaining social ties.So many measures that cause the secretion of feel-good hormones (endorphin, dopamine and serotonin) which help regulate anxiety and in particular cortisol, the stress hormone“, concludes Johanna Rozenblum.
