5 lifestyles that are easy to adopt for a positive impact on the planet

5 lifestyles that have a positive impact on the planet

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[EN VIDÉO] Interview 5/5: recycling electronic devices
Given their abundance, the recycling of electronic objects is a challenge posed by sustainable development. François Moisan, Executive Director of Strategy and Research at Ademe (Environment and Energy Management Agency), tells us about the solutions envisaged to respond to this.

Citizens could act on 25-27% of the savings needed by 2030 to keep global warming of the Earth to 1.5°C. According to a study, this objective would be achievable if the governments and the inhabitants of the rich countries of the Planet put these five practices into practice. application.

Produced by English researchers from the University of Leeds in collaboration with experts from the global engineering company Arup and the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, the report (nicely titled The Power of People) is relayed by the movement citizen climate Take The Jump.

Research clearly shows that governments and the private sector have the biggest role to play, but our analysis also shows that individuals and communities can make a huge difference. “, underlines Tom Bailey, ambassador of the campaign Take The Jump.

Our research shows that we all have an important role to play, whether politicians, city and business leaders or citizens. And clearly there’s a lot we can do as individuals, and that’s one of the easiest and quickest places to start. “, adds Ben Smith, director of the consulting in matter ofenergy and climate change at Arup, who led the study.

So would you be willing to take one or more of these resolutions to take the leap?

Farewell calf, cow, pig, brood…

We know that the production of meat and products of animal origin represents approximately 15% of emissions world of greenhouse gas. With this in mind, reducing its consumption of meat represents a crucial issue in the fight against global warming.

According to the report, combining the fight against food waste to the adoption of an essentially plant-based diet would make it possible to achieve ” 12% of total savings required by countries in North America and Europe to meet Paris Agreement targets “, i.e. a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of at least 40% by 2030.

The train instead of the plane

We know it : the plane is the most polluting mode of transport. It would even be 45 times more polluting than the train, according to the Ecological Transition Agency (Ademe). With this in mind, the report recommends (as far as possible), reducing leisure flights to one short-haul flight every three years and one long-haul flight every eight years.

So-called leisure air travel is increasingly being questioned in our daily practices, especially among young people. According to a recent survey carried out by Greenpeace53% of young people say they do not want to fly just for leisure.

Limit purchases of new clothes

Clothing Rental, Second Hand, virtual clothes. Eco-responsible fashion is changing. And the solutions to get away from the fast-fashion industry are becoming more and more numerous. ” Reducing the number of new new garments to a target of three, eight maximum, would achieve 6% of the total savings needed “says the study.

Carpooling and public transport

A money pit this car that you come out of garage three times a year, but which still costs you its weight in gold in insurance? If you live in a city well served by public transport or your colleagues or friends are ready to embark on an adventure of carpooling with you, maybe it’s time to get started.

For those who can, reducing vehicle ownership and, if possible, moving away from personal vehicles, would achieve 2% of the total savings needed by 2030 “says the study.

Optimize the life of electronic devices

The new iPhone SE 5G makes you salivate? We understand you. Difficult, at a time when technology is not hampering progress, to ask you to keep your smart phone whose generation is no longer even available for sale and is highly likely to pass you off as a boomer. And if in these cases you compensate by trying as much as possible to prolong the duration life of your other devices (washing machine, fridge, microwave oven, tablets, computersetc.)?

Optimize the life of electronic devices and appliancesby keeping them for at least seven years, would make it possible to achieve 3% of total savings necessary for the initial objective set, assures the study.

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