5 Iranian movies to watch before you die

5 Iranian movies to watch before you die

In this content, we look at the 5 Iranian films that must be watched before you die and the details about them.

A lot of Hollywood productions are liked in Turkey. Productions among these films always attract attention. However, if we consider cinema as a big roof, we can see that unique and beautiful productions from different countries emerge under this roof. Of course, the monopolized movie theaters play a major role in the formation of this situation.

However, it should not be overlooked that we, as viewers, have the possibility to do research and meet new films. Today “5 Iranian movies to watch before you dieThe productions that I will describe in my article ” are humble suggestions from Iran, which is right next to us, that I think will change your perspective on life, and especially your perspective on cinema. Let’s slowly move on to the list of the best Iranian films ever made.

Iranian Movies to Watch Before You Die

Close-Up – Close-Up

Close-Up, which is like a semi-documentary shot by master director Abbas Kiarostami in 1990, had a great impact around the world. The biggest feature of the movie is that it has an unusual plot. He blended fact and fiction in such a beautiful ratio that it became difficult to distinguish.

It tells the true story of a person who introduces himself as the famous director Mohsen Makhmakbaf and is arrested after asking a wealthy family for money for his production. The people in the story played themselves in Close-Up. After reading the news of the arrest of a man named Hüseyin Sabzian, Kiarostami requested permission from the relevant authorities. He calls Close-Up “My eye baby”.

Taste of Cherry

5 Iranian movies to watch before you die

Tase of Cherry, shot by master director Abbas Kiarostami in 1997, was awarded the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival the same year. Kiarostami, who successfully conveyed the theme he wanted to tell to the audience with the color palettes and fixed camera shots he used, examined the relationship between death, life and god phenomena.

24 Frames – 24 Frames

5 Iranian movies to watch before you die

It is the production in which master director Abbas Kiarostami bids farewell to the cinema in 2017. Kiarostami, who is quoted in the preface of photographer Mark Edward Harris’s book as “When mediocrity takes its place on the big screen, it inevitably falls under its spell, its meaning changes, it becomes something to look at”, Kiarostami has brought this idea to life in 24 Frames. It is quite difficult to write any synopsis or review for this film.

A Moment of Innocence – Bread and Flowers

5 Iranian movies to watch before you die

Filmed by Muhsin Makhmalbaf in 1996, A Moment of Innocence was lauded by the masses. The film can be mentioned as a memory from the past or as a theater play on the endless curtains of the past.

It is an experimental content in which the phenomenon of change and transformation is examined through an event that the director played himself and lived at the age of 17. We see the phenomenon of blending reality and fiction, which has become a style unique to Iranian cinema.

Children of Heaven – Children of Heaven

5 Iranian movies to watch before you die

Filmed in 1997 by another master director, Majid Majidi, Children of Heaven broke box office records in the USA. The production, which stands out with its fairy-tale-like narration, transfers the branching story of two little brothers, Ali and Zehra, who are the children of a poor family, to the big screen when they have to wear a pair of shoes together.

Some critics compared it to Vittorio de Sica’s masterpiece, Bicycle Thieves, due to the feelings of innocence and grief felt intensely in the film.
