5 euro increase on cigarettes: proposal to support the NHS

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(Finance) – TheItalian Association of Medical Oncology (Aiom), together with Aiom Foundation And Healthcare panoramalaunched the campaign #SUPPORTSSNasking for increase the price of cigarette packs by 5 euros. The initiative, presented in Senateaim at discourage smoking and raise up to 13.8 billion euros to finance the National Health Service (NHS)allocating part of the funds to information campaigns on the risks of smoking.

The Vice President of the Senate, Maria Domenica Castelloneannounced that will present amendments in this sense in the next budget law. “I tabled an amendment to increase the cost of cigarettes and smoking productsas already happens in other countries. We could thus generate over 13 billion euros in revenue to invest in strengthening the NHS and in awareness campaigns on the risks of smoking, aimed especially at young people. Health protection is enshrined in our Constitution, and we must do everything possible to ensure that it is respected.”

“We ask the institutions to approve a purpose tax. The objective – he explained Francesco Perrone, president of Aiom – is to reduce tobacco consumption and generate additional resources to finance the National Health Service. Smoking is not only the leading cause of lung cancer, but also contributes to many other cancers, as well as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.”

Support also came from the Democratic Party, with the senator Beatrice Lorenzin and Marina Sereni who underlined the need for a transversal strategy in favor of public health.

According to the Aiom estimatesin Italy, Smoking is responsible for over 93,000 deaths every yearwith social costs amounting to more than 26 billion euros, e 90% of lung cancers are linked to cigarette consumptionwith almost 40 thousand new cases every year. Furthermore, 62% of Italians, including many smokers, said they were in favor of increasing the price of cigarettes to finance the NHS and support research.

The #SOStenereSSN campaign aims not only to finance the NHS through a tax on cigarettes, but also to raise awareness among citizens and institutions on the serious damage caused by smoking. The campaign involves the creation of a dedicated website, an information brochure and an advertising spot, with the participation of institutions and testimonials. The initiative has already obtained the support of organizations such as Airc, the Mario Negri Institute, Cittadinanzattiva and Alleanza Contro il Cancro.

Saverio Cinieri, president of the Aiom Foundationhe recalled that “in recent years a slight reduction was recorded in the number of smokers, interrupted by an increase during the pandemic. Anti-smoking campaigns have had a positive impact, but the incidence and mortality of lung cancer remain high. It is essential to activate campaigns to raise awareness among the population about the benefits of healthy lifestyles and the urgency of abandoning the habit of smoking.”

The increase in the price of cigarettes would then be in line with the costs already foreseen in other European countries, such as France, where a pack costs 12 euros. In Italy, however, the average price is among the lowest in Europe, around 6 euros. The proposal of a “purpose fee” could be reduce tobacco consumptionimprove public health and generate resources for the healthcare system, which is faced with high costs related to the treatment of diseases caused by smoking.
