In Dragonflight, the latest expansion too World of Warcraft, dragons play an important role. But what exactly are they?
What’s up with dragons and the new addon? As the name suggests, the new WoW addon Dragonflight is about dragons. These are powerful, flying beings who were chosen by the titans themselves in the primeval times of the world to be intelligent, immortal guardians of the world.
For a long time, the mysterious Dragon Islands were the refuge of these powerful creatures until they had to leave it due to various events. But at the start of Dragonflight, the islands reappeared and the Dracthyr dragon servants awoke from their slumber.
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Because dragons are so important to Dragonflight, here’s a selection of fun, whimsical, and surprising facts about the flying behemoths.
Did you already know these facts about dragons in WoW?
In the following paragraphs you will learn various facts about the dragons in World of Warcraft. Have fun browsing!
Here you can order Dragonflight Dragons started small
In the primeval times of the world, dragons were not yet legendary guardians of the world. Rather, the early proto-dragons were greedy and stupid lizard creatures who cared about nothing more than stuffing their bellies and hatching eggs. One of them – Galakrond – even got so big that it just ate the other dragons.
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It was only when five slightly more intelligent proto-dragons confronted the behemoth and actually slew it that the victorious beasts were elevated by the Titans to the legendary Dragon Aspects. Their offspring were then the intelligent and powerful beings you know today as dragons.
The strongest dragon used to be a “structure”
Anyone who has played the strategy game Warcraft 2 knows that the Horde used dragons as the ultimate flying unit. In turn, you had to create a special “building”. This was the so-called Drachenhort, a kind of platform on which a dragon was chained.
This dragon, as was evident from the descriptions of the buildings in the manual(!), was none other than Alexstrasza. The queen of the dragons was enslaved by the orcs with the help of an artifact called “Dragon Soul” and forced to constantly hatch eggs.
The resulting dragons were abused by the orcs as mindless battle beasts. Only when Deathwing – who was originally responsible for the enslavement of Alexstrasza – wanted to steal some dragon eggs, the dragon queen was able to free herself and escape.
Alexstrasza and her crush then retreated for the time being. The events surrounding her captivity and the suffering that had befallen her brood – and the devastation her children had wreaked – were hard for the guardian of life to bear. Later, the Dragon Queen was able to recover from her trauma and return.
Here you can find more articles about WoW Dragonflight Dragons are masters of the air and water
Despite their enormous size, dragons are very good fliers. Even a great old wyrm can take flight with almost no effort with a few flaps of its mighty wings. They are also faster in the air than most other flying creatures on Azeroth. In addition, they can fly very high. Even in the stratosphere of Azeroth you can meet a dragon.
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What is curious, however, is that you can meet dragons not only in the highest heights of the sky, but also in the deepest depths of the sea. Because the creatures are excellent swimmers and their wings are also very suitable as flippers. They can also hold their breath for up to an hour. So don’t be surprised if you come across a curious dragon plundering a shipwreck during a dive.
Dragons have very cute social behaviors
If you look at the dragons, you will see massive monsters with dagger-length teeth, sharp horns, sharp claws, steel-hard scales and a devastating breath weapon. Surely such a monster is in a bad mood all day and loves to gleefully rip and burn lesser beings to pieces?
Not at all, because although dragons are feared for their great fighting power and willingness to use violence, they are nevertheless intelligent and sentient creatures with social behavior. Contrary to their reptilian appearance, this is expressed in behavior that is otherwise more familiar to cats. Here some examples:
Dragons have an alternate form
Dragons have the power to transform into another form. This is usually a humanoid shape. This so-called “face” is an important matter for a dragon. When a dragon comes of age, there is a kind of rite of passage in which a dragon first assumes its mortal form in a solemn ceremony. A dragon can choose this shape freely and his decision says a lot about his character.
Different dragonflights often have particularly popular races that they adopt more frequently. Green dragons like to be night elves, while red dragons often appear as blood elves. Blue dragons are often seen as humans, while the odd bronze dragon – like Chromie – appears as a tiny gnome. However, the selection is not limited to these examples. A dragon can be almost any race of Azeroth.
But why do dragons do this? On the one hand, to move unnoticed among mortals and also to spy on them. Some black dragons—like Onyxia—even used their visages to hold positions of power among mortal races. Other dragons use the alternate form to gain new experiences.
You can order Dragonflight here
So the world looks very different from the eyes of an elf or human. And many dragons secretly love the wonderful sensations of touching bare skin, since their scales are deaf to many sensations.
By the way, if you want to have such a face shape in the game yourself, then play the new Dracthyr in Dragonflight. They have an absurd number of options to create the perfect visage.