4th dose, last wave … New projections on the epidemic

4th dose last wave New projections on the epidemic

COVID. Cases of coronavirus contamination are still extremely high in France. This Monday, January 3, 2022, the Minister of Health gave elements of analysis on the evolution of the epidemic.

12:41 – And the side effects of the vaccine booster?

Also asked about the side effects of the booster dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, Alain Fischer recalled that, if the side effects could be more important after the vaccine booster, they were “not dangerous” – although ” unpleasant “in some cases, he admitted.

12:39 – What about monoclonal antibody treatments?

At the microphone of BFMTV this Monday, December 3, Pr Alain Fischer was also asked about the arrival of monoclonal antibody treatments in France. Recalling first that they are already authorized for immunocompromised people, the epidemiologist indicated that the Pfizer pill could potentially soon be the subject of an opinion from the authorities. And remember that these drugs, which can only concern people at risk of developing a severe form, can not replace vaccines.

12:31 – Is the mask really useful on the street?

Asked about the interest of wearing a mask in the street, Alain Fischer indicated that, beyond the fact that it was a “way of marking the blow, a signal”, the mask could also be useful in the event of strong concentrations of people.

12:15 – Vaccination booster reduces risk of transmission of Omicron by “around 70%”

Guest of BFMTV this Monday, December 3, Professor Alain Fischer hammered home that the vaccine booster made it possible to reduce the risk of transmission of the Omicron variant by “around 70%”. However, he qualified that this figure only concerned the few weeks after vaccination.

11:47 – The objective of 25 million injections is “tenable” for Alain Fischer

For Professor Alain Fischer, “Mr. Vaccin” of the government and guest of BFMTV this Monday, January 3, the objective of 25 million vaccine injections “is tenable” given the mobilization of all stakeholders, and the opening of centers.

11:22 – A council of ministers this Monday at 4 p.m.

Matignon announced that Jean Castex would bring together ten of his ministers on Monday January 3 at 4 pm “to take stock of the impact of the Omicron variant and the continuity of essential public services”. “Hospitals, places of education, public transport, administrations, army, police stations and even companies in the energy sector” will be discussed in particular during this meeting.

11:01 – New isolation protocol: pharmacies soon in trouble?

Asked about the subject by Franceinfo, Carine Wolf-Thal, president of the National Council of the Order of Pharmacists, expressed her fear that the new isolation rules, which provide for numerous tests, will put pharmacies in difficulty. “It is a very good measure that the self-tests are distributed for free and I am happy about it, except that we are not ready to do it today”, she insisted.

10:51 – New isolation protocol: a necessary rule according to the director of CNAM

At the microphone of Franceinfo this Monday, January 3, the director general of the National Health Insurance Fund, Thomas Fatome, said about the new isolation protocol that it was necessary “not to stop the country”.

10:46 – The vaccine is not enough for Jean-Luc Mélenchon

Guest of France Inter this Monday, January 3, the rebellious candidate for the presidential election recalled that “the fact of being vaccinated does not prevent you from being contaminated”, insisting that his desire to see the establishment of a “global response” to the epidemic outbreak.

10:31 – A disorganization of the school to come?

On the subject of a possible disorganization of the school (parallel to the possible disorganization of society), Jean-Michel Blanquer remained qualified at the microphone of LCI this Monday, January 3: “I do not deny that the month of January can be tense,” he said in particular.

10:22 – What is the health protocol at school?

At the microphone of LCI, Jean-Michel Blanquer recalled the nature of the new health protocol at school. In the event of a positive Covid-19 case in a class, all students will be able to return to school if they test negative. As for contact case students, they will have to perform tests on D0 (the day of the announcement), on D + 2 and D + 4.

10:11 – 90% of teachers fully vaccinated

At the microphone of LCI, Jean-Michel Blanquer welcomed the vaccination coverage among teachers: “Teachers are much more vaccinated than others,” he noted.

10:02 – Late announcement of measures at school: “a process that cannot be otherwise”

On LCI, Jean-Michel Blanquer justified the late announcement of the new health measures at school: for him, this choice was motivated by the fact that he wanted to take the measures as close as possible to reality, and therefore as close as possible to the start of the school year. For the Minister of National Education, this process could “not be otherwise”.

09:50 – Keeping schools open, a decisive choice according to Jean-Michel Blanquer

On LCI this Monday, January 3, Jean-Michel Blanquer estimated that, if the opening of schools and the maintenance of the re-entry on the date initially envisaged was “difficult”, “the game is worth the candle”, he estimated .

09:45 – “It’s very important to have open schools”, says Jean-Michel Blanquer

Guest of LCI, the Minister of National Education, Youth and Sports Jean-Michel Blanquer defended his decision to maintain the January 2022 return to school without postponing it: “It is a decision that we have become aware of in the Defense Council “, he explained, hammering that it is” very important to have the schools open. “


According to the latest data from Public Health France, communicated on Sunday, January 2, the seven-day average continues to increase and exceeds 162,000 new cases. In the past 24 hours, 91 people have died from Covid-19 in hospital. The incidence rate has increased sharply over the past 24 hours and is now 1,517 new contaminations per 100,000 inhabitants, ie 182 points more than the day before. Here is the detailed report:

According to last epidemiological point of Public Health France (SPF), published Thursday, December 30, “the strong acceleration of the circulation of SARS-CoV-2 with a significant progression of the Omicron variant now in the majority”. On average, the incidence rate was 833 positive cases per 100,000 population in many areas – the incidence rate therefore exceeded those of the peaks of wave 2, 3 and 4.

Follow the evolution of the coronavirus in your town using the map below. Click on a department to display the list of municipalities. Also find all the details on this mapping and the full point by city and by department in our article on the Covid map in France.

Since mid-October 2020, Public Health France has been communicating incidence data (number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants) at the municipal level. The figures are at this stage communicated according to a scale (10, 20, 50, 150, 250, 500, 1000 cases per 100,000 inhabitants). The data are expressed on a rolling week, which means that they are calculated on a day D from the tests carried out between 3 and 9 days previously. To access information relating to the coronavirus in your town, enter its name into the search engine or click on its department in the map below.

As a reminder, the incidence rate corresponds to the number of new cases of Covid-19 over a period of one week, compared to the total population of a territory (country, region, department or municipality). This indicator is generally expressed in number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The screening rate gives the number of people who have tested for the coronavirus out of the total number of inhabitants, during the period. It is also expressed most often on 100,000 inhabitants. Finally, the test positivity rate gives the percentage of positive tests for the coronavirus, compared to the total number of tests carried out over the period.
