46 people drowned in a Hindu holiday ritual in India | News in brief

46 people drowned in a Hindu holiday ritual in India

According to the local authorities, most of the drowned were children.

21:55•Updated 22:00

At least 46 people, including 37 children, have drowned in the Indian state of Bihar, where the Hindu Jitiya festival has been celebrated in recent days.

The victims are said to have drowned in numerous accidents that happened during the ritual bathing in the river belonging to Jitiya.

According to the local authorities who told the news agency AFP, three bodies are still missing. The Bihar state government has announced that it will pay compensation to each victim’s family.

In India, the Jitiya festival is especially celebrated by mothers who fast during the festival for the well-being, long life and prosperity of their children.

Fatal accidents have also been common at other religious festivals in India, which often draw millions of pilgrims to the holy sites.

Last July, at least 116 people were crushed to death in a stampede at a Hindu religious gathering in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.

The incident was reported at the time to be the worst such tragedy in more than a decade.

Source: AFP
