40°C in France, 50°C in Iran: very high temperatures are becoming commonplace…

40°C in France 50°C in Iran very high temperatures are

This summer, the 40°C mark was crossed several times in France. From Biscarosse to Rennes via Cholet and Dieppe. But that pales in comparison to the over 50°C that has been recorded elsewhere in the world since the start of the year.

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Again this week, temperatures above 40°C should be registered in France. And the situation almost seems to us to have become commonplace. However, it is not normal for our country. Weather report France reminded him a few days ago. Between 1950 and 1959, temperatures above 40°C were recorded only twice. In ten years. But since 2020, we have already exceeded this symbolic threshold by no less than 73!

Temperatures above 40°C which are no longer only recorded in the southwest. Not just in the south more broadly. But in more and more northern regions. Nantes and Caen crossed the threshold in this summer of 2022. And even if climatologists had announced it — in the context of global warmingexpect waves of heat more and more intense — they are a little surprised at the speed when the prediction becomes reality.

Inhuman temperatures

There are some countries for which there is already talk of crossing the bar… of 50°C! Recently, no less than 53°C was recorded near Abadan (Iran). A local absolute record. And even worldwide for 2022. But not the first time that this slightly less symbolic and much more worrying threshold of 50°C has been exceeded. It had already been last June. Still in Abadan. The station then beat a record heat 70 years old with an already impressive 52.2°C. Record which, you will have noticed if you follow well, was beaten again… only a few weeks later.

Without going up ” as far “, we can note that it was 52.6 ° C in Basra (Iraq), this Thursday, August 4, 2022. On that day, several cities in Iraq, Iran and Kuwait crossed the threshold simultaneously. Because the region is currently experiencing an extreme heat wave.

The Death Valley (United States) also had its “day of glory” already in 2022. With a posted temperature of 51.7°C last July. Pakistan had, for its part, had “honor” to be the first to reach 50°C this year. It was last May, in Jacobabad…

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