There are currently 1,210 mounts in World of Warcraft. A passionate collector from Azeroth has now mastered the milestone of 1,000 mounts and flying animals. MeinMMO editor Karsten Scholz comes to…
How many mounts are there, Karsten? Well, I may have been playing WoW for several years, but I’m not exactly known as an ambitious collector. Across my entire account, I only have 168 items, and only a handful of them have been used regularly for years (most notably the wonderful Rogue class mount from Legion).
Ok, what about the real mount collector? He goes by the username lasko_leaf_blower and proudly announced on Reddit that he recently reached the milestone of 1,000 mounts on his WoW account. The website that shows you this so clearly can be found at
The War Within also brought many new mounts, but in the new WoW expansion, the story surrounding the World Soul Saga is the focus of many Warcraft fans:
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It was a long, long road and nobody said it would be easy
How did the player achieve this milestone? On Reddit, lasko_leaf_blower reflects on his passion for collecting virtual means of transport. His first mount was the Striped Night Saber, which his level 40 night elf could probably just about afford 20 years ago (at least that was the case for me, but on the right faction page “cough”).
The number 1,000 went to the devil-trained Avenger’s Screamer for the demon hunter quest “A devilishly good find”. The one that took up the most time, however, was the Grave Stalker. He had to send King Dazar to the floor 408 times in the mythical King’s Rest.
His favorites include
How does the community react to the success? The milestone is celebrated under the Reddit post.
Where is your mount counter currently? And how long have you been playing WoW to get to this number? Tell us in the comments! This success from the community was also impressive in July 2024: WoW character at level 70 in under 30 minutes – This is how crazy the speed level record is