40 people lift a 15-tonne heavy bus – saving a man’s life

It was on Monday that an 18-year-old man in Berlin hurried to the bus. But just as the bus started to roll, the man fell – and got stuck under one of the rear tires, writes AP.

Immediately, both passengers and passersby joined in to help. In total, there were 40 people who tried to lift the 15-tonne bus with joint efforts. They managed to lift the right side of the bus – and freed the man.

– It was chaos. I saw how they were trying to lift the bus and I knew I would also help, said Frank Kurze, a passerby, to the German news channel n-tv.

Minor injuries

The accident happened right at a hospital and nurses and surgeons were quickly on the scene to provide first aid. Sandra Grunwald, one of the nurses who came to the scene, described to n-tv that they heard screams outside and that they quickly had to run to the scene to help.

– He was talkative, but was confused and did not know what had happened, she said.

The 18-year-old was rushed to hospital after the incident and had to undergo an operation. The man miraculously escaped with minor injuries – scrapes, bruises and a broken arm. The German news channel n-tv reported that the man was able to leave the hospital shortly after.
