4 mistakes in the shower that increase the risk of hair loss

4 mistakes in the shower that increase the risk of

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    Without knowing it, you may be increasing your hair loss by repeating bad actions in the shower. Here are 4 common mistakes to stop to preserve your hair.

    We all lose our hair, between 50 and 100 every day, sometimes more due to hormones, stress or even age, or even drug treatment. But some of our habits can also come into play, particularly those taken in the shower. Depending on how we wash our hair, we can increase hair loss without even knowing it. Here are 4 common mistakes pointed out by experts.

    Using water that is too hot

    Just like the heat from a hair dryer or straightener, too hot water used when shampooing can have detrimental effects on your hair. Heat and water then expand the hair cuticle when wet, which can lift it and make it more prone to breakage and frizz. Hot water can also damage your scalp, making it dry and affecting hair follicles, William Gaunitz, a board-certified trichologist, told HuffPost. “Your scalp, like your skin and gut, has a delicate balance of bacteria and fungi. When things become out of balance, unhealthy bacteria and fungi can grow at a high rate, which can lead to inflammation, dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, and an excessively dry or oily scalp.”

    To prevent these harmful effects, it is best to turn the tap to colder water which will help seal the cuticle layer and increase shine.”You don’t have to wash with very cold water, but not very hot water” confirms the expert.

    Shampooing too frequently

    While it smells good and leaves you feeling clean, your shampoo is often made up of detergents, thickeners, preservatives and additives that clean the scalp and hair. The foamy formula in your shampoo is the result of sulfates or detergents stripping or cleansing oils from your hair and scalp. However, these sulfates can irritate or damage hair follicles if used too often.

    For experts, the frequency of washing your hair should be based on the type and length of your hair, and the sebum produced. “When you are not losing your hair and have a healthy scalp, shampooing twice a week is definitely enough to keep your hair clean and healthy”, said William Gaunitz. “Shampooing more frequently can actually cause problems, including a dry, oily scalp, or cause inflammation that can lead to mild mass loss.”

    Shampoo the ends of your hair

    In addition to shampooing too frequently, you may be applying shampoo to the wrong parts of your hair! So your hair naturally produces oils and sebum on the scalp, which is where your shampoo should stay, but many of us wash all the lengths down to the ends. A mistake for Mandy Buechner, hair loss practitioner also cited by the media. Improper use of hair care products like shampoo can lead to changes in hair texture and damage to the hair shaft. “The shampoo is not recommended for the ends of the hair, because when you rinse the shampoo from the scalp, it rinses the hair shaft and cleans sufficiently” she shares. When applying conditioner, on the other hand, the opposite rule applies. “You should only apply it to the ends of your hair“. Why? Because unlike a shampoo, a conditioner does not remove oil, dirt or residue from your hair, so it is not effective in cleaning the scalp. In summary, concentrate the shampoo on the top of your head and scalp, then apply the conditioner to the ends of your hair.

    Consult a doctor online for your hair loss

    Using a cotton towel that is too thick

    Most of us tend to dry our hair using a cotton terry towel, rubbing the hair together to absorb moisture. However, this habit can have a negative effect, especially since your hair is more fragile when wet. Indeed, the texture of a terry towel can pull on the hair over time and damage it, especially if your hair has a fine or porous texture. “Cotton body towels contain very large cotton fibers that pull and put pressure on the cuticle layers and follicles of the hair. This can cause friction leading to damage, breakage…”

    Microfiber towels or even T-shirts can be helpful in preventing hair loss by not completely drying out the hair.“Microfiber towels are the best for drying your hair and they are quite inexpensive”, advises Mandy Buechner. A small change to maintain a beautiful mane for longer.

    10 natural remedies for hair loss

    Slide: 10 natural remedies for hair loss
