4 hour fantasy marathon with one of the most popular stories of all time that still disturbs children to this day

4 hour fantasy marathon with one of the most popular

Few would have thought that fantasy from Germany could inspire viewers for 40 years. And yet The NeverEnding Story did it. The legendary adaptation of Michael Ende’s masterful book can be seen on TV tonight along with the sequel The NeverEnding Story II – In Search of Fantastica.

On TV: Fantasy masterpiece inspires and disturbs entire generations

The neverending story revolves around the young Bastian Balthasar Bux (Barret Oliver), who finds access to the fairytale world of Phantásia through a mysterious book. There he must help the childlike empress (Tami Stronach) and the warrior Atreyu (Noah Hathaway) to protect the land from the mysterious nothingness. Because Fantastica is on the verge of collapse.

Constantine Film

Atreju (Noah Hathaway) and Lucky Dragon Fukhur

Director Wolfgang Petersen (Das Boot), producer Bernd Eichinger (Der Untergang) and effects master Brian Johnson (The Empire Strikes Back) have created a masterpiece with the first film in the series. Entire generations have fallen in love with the beauty of film and have been moved to tears by the sad fate of popular characters.

When is The Neverending Story on TV?

The neverending story is on on August 22, 2023 at 8:15 p.m. on Kabel Eins. The NeverEnding Story II follows at 10:30 p.m. If you don’t have time, you can catch up on the two films at 12:15 a.m. and 2:15 a.m.

Podcast: Why is German TV so boring?

70 times CSI per week and Germany’s next top model at prime time: German free TV is at its lowest point and still can’t be killed. We discuss why this is the case in the Moviepilot podcast:

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We explain why German television found itself in a downward spiral of cheap TV and a lack of ideas even before Netflix & Co. and why so many are still tuning in. While Andrea sets herself up as a TV hangman, TV lawyer Hendrik passionately defends television.

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