4 exercises to do sports from your sofa during very cold weather

4 exercises to do sports from your sofa during very

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    While freezing temperatures tempt us to stay warm indoors, it’s important not to sacrifice our fitness. Discover here four simple exercises that you can do from your sofa to stay active, toned and in great shape, without facing the bitter cold of winter.

    Knee raises

    Start by sitting on your couch with your back straight. Alternately raise your knees, the right then the left, towards your chest as quickly as possible. This cardiovascular exercise will help you burn calories while strengthening your abdominal muscles and legs.

    Tricep dips

    If you want to tone the triceps in your arms, this exercise is for you. To perform tricep dips on your couch at home, sit on the edge of your couch with your hands placed flat next to your hips, fingers pointing forward. Slide your butt off the couch and bend your elbows to lower your body toward the floor, keeping your feet on the floor with knees bent 90 degrees. Then, push with your arms to return to the starting position while contracting your triceps.

    Broken squats

    This exercise is ideal for working the buttocks and the back of the thighs. Place one foot in front of the sofa and the other on the edge of the sofa. Bend your knee on the ground, keeping your back in line with your legs, hands on your hips and fixate on a point to stay balanced. Then you will slightly extend the knee while maintaining the amplitude and repeat the previous movement.

    Good in his body, good in his head!

    Leg lifts

    Lie straight on the sofa, elbow bent, head resting on your right hand. Straighten both legs, toes extended. Raise your right leg toward the ceiling, keeping your knee locked. Then lower it to its starting position, controlling the descent, to complete the first repetition. At the end of the exercise, switch sides.

    For a complete workout, repeat these exercises for 15 to 20 minutes every day. You’ll be surprised at the results you’ll get from staying warm inside your home. Of course, these exercises include a balanced diet, a good night’s sleep and good hydration. Another tip: to do your exercises safely, make sure to keep any bulky objects out of your way such as lamps, trinkets or anything else.
