4 Ayurvedic recipes for hair

4 Ayurvedic recipes for hair

The powders of plants used in Ayurveda, traditional Indian medicine, integrate perfectly in care for all types of hair. Discover different ways to enjoy their benefits with these recipes proposed by Emilie Jolibois, expert in cosmetic ingredients research at Aroma-zone.

Before starting

  • Those DIY care are to be carried out while respecting certain usual precautions. Being very active, we take care to test them in the crook of the elbow 24 hours before application.
  • These powders should always be mixed with a more neutral powder (clay, colloidal oat powder, micronized rice powder) to better dilute it or to make a paste easy to apply.
  • Avoid everything with your eyes. In case of contact, rinse thoroughly with clear water.
  • These powders are to be kept out of the reach of children.

A 100% vegetable Ayurvedic “no poo” shampoo


On the same subject

  • 3 to 4 tablespoons of powder rich in saponin (Shikakai, Reetha or Sidr)
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons of other plant powders (Kapoor kachli, Amla, Bhringaraj, Orange …)
  • boiling water (add slowly until it forms a soft paste).

Preparation in 4 steps

1. Add boiling water (to fully release the saponins) to your powder mixture until it forms a fairly fluid smooth paste, then let it cool.

2. Apply to scalp and hair and massage gently for a few moments.

3. Leave on for 1 to 5 minutes then rinse thoroughly, massaging well.

4. Finish with an acid rinse (water + cider vinegarfor example) to tighten the scales of the hair, neutralize the limestone and promote disentangling and shine.


These “minute” formulas are pastes for immediate and single use which cannot be kept. If necessary, you can keep them for 24 hours in the refrigerator.

A “no poo” clay shampoo


  • 3 to 4 tablespoons of clay (multani mitti, Green clay montmorillonite or illite, Rhassoul)
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons of other plant powders (kapoor kachli, amla, bhringaraj, orange …)
  • boiling water (add slowly until you get a soft dough).

Preparation in 4 steps

1. Form a paste by mixing the clay and plant powders with lukewarm water.

2. Apply on the scalp by massaging gently then apply the rest of the paste on the lengths

3. Leave on for 10 to 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly, massaging well.

4. Finish with an acid rinse (water + cider vinegar for example) to tighten the scales of the hair, neutralize the lime and promote disentangling and shine.


This paste is for immediate and single use and does not keep. If necessary, you can keep it for 24 hours in the refrigerator.

An Ayurvedic oily macerate

  • Macerate 1 to 3 tablespoons of plant powder in 100 ml of vegetable oil (jojoba, castor, sesame …).
  • Leave to macerate for 1 week.
  • Filter.

The macerate obtained is used:

• as a pre-shampoo hair friction:

  • Heat a small amount of oil in the palm of your hands and apply it in gentle massages on the scalp.
  • Leave on for 15-20 minutes.
  • Shampoo gently.

• as an “oil bath”:

  • Apply the oil to the lengths and ends in a small amount.
  • Massage the strands one by one to cover all the hair.
  • Leave on for 20 minutes to 1 hour under a hot towel.
  • Remove with a mild shampoo.

• as an oily serum for very dry / frizzy hair.

Apply this oil by small touches on the lengths and ends (after having heated it between the palms).

A hair lotion with Ayurvedic plants

  • Make an infusion by pouring boiling water over the plant powder.
  • Let steep for 10-15 minutes then filter with a coffee filter. The resulting lotion can be kept for a few days in the refrigerator.

Mode of application

This lotion is used to tone or soothe the scalp for example or on the lengths. It can also be used as a rinsing lotion by adding to it add a little vinegar at the rate of 2-3 tablespoons per 500 ml so as to obtain an acidic rinse.

Thanks to Emilie Jolibois, cosmetic ingredient research expert at Aroma-zone. https://www.aroma-zone.com

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