3rd trimester of pregnancy: 3rd ultrasound, examinations, childbirth

3rd trimester of pregnancy 3rd ultrasound examinations childbirth

During this last trimester of pregnancy, you will have your 3rd ultrasound and your consultation with the anesthesiologist. Examinations, blood tests, screening for streptococcus B, preparation for childbirth… Here are the advice of midwife Anh-Chi Ton, midwife, to live peacefully in this 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

Here you are in your third trimester of pregnancy : the last straight line before giving birth and the long-awaited meeting with your baby! From the 7th to the 9th month of pregnancy, you will have a prenatal examination per month as part of your pregnancy follow-up. There third ultrasound is planned during the 8th month of pregnancy, as is the consultation with the anesthesiologist. You will also start your childbirth preparation sessions (from the 7th month). At the end of pregnancy, don’t forget to prepare your stay at the maternity ward, as well as your suitcase with all the baby’s things. Here is what awaits you during this 3rd trimester of pregnancywith advice from midwife Anh-Chi Ton.

When does the 3rd trimester of pregnancy begin, in what month?

The third trimester of pregnancy extends from 7th month of pregnancy to 9th month of pregnancy.

What are the weeks of the third trimester of pregnancy?

The ninth month of pregnancy starts at the 27th week of pregnancy (or 29 weeks of amenorrhea) and ends at the 39th week of pregnancy (or 41st week of amenorrhea, 41 weeks) if you give birth at the end of your pregnancy.

The third trimester of pregnancy in weeks © Women’s Journal

What symptoms in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy?

At the end of pregnancy, certain symptoms that had more or less lessened make a comeback, starting with fatigue! You continue to gain weight over the months as baby develops at full speed. Also, as the skin stretches more and more, it is essential to moisturize it well, in particular to avoid the appearance of stretch marks. During the third trimester, it is also common for pregnant women to have heavy legs, contractions at the end of pregnancy, heartburn, back pain, migraines, or difficulty sleeping well. However, it is essential to find time to rest before the baby arrives, take care!

3rd trimester ultrasound

The third ultrasound takes place around 32 SA, more or less a week. “It is intended to monitor the growth of the fetus, in particular by estimating its weight, to detect any morphological abnormalities, to locate the placenta, but also to evaluate the quantity of amniotic fluid and to locate the placenta.“, explains Anh-Chi Ton. Additional ultrasounds may be ordered if closer supervision is needed, for example to check the presentation, growth, vitality or mobility of the baby.

What are the examinations of the 3rd trimester of pregnancy?

In the third trimester of pregnancy, monitoring is closer, at the rate of one appointment per month, and will even intensify further as the birth approaches. There will be a meeting at 37 SA, at 39 SA, then at 41 SA. If the delivery has still not taken place at this time, there will be an appointment at the maternity ward every 24 to 48 hours before an onset between 41 weeks + 3 days and 41 weeks + 5 days according to the protocols.“, explains the midwife. Each month, the pregnant woman will meet the specialist who follows her for an obstetrical consultation, the procedure of which Anh-Chi Ton explains to us in detail.

Paraclinical examination

  • Blood pressure: pre-eclampsia screening
  • Urine dipstick (albuminuria and glycosuria)
  • Weight


  • Active movements of the fetus
  • Uterine contractions: frequency, intensity…
  • Other functional signs: loss of amniotic fluid, metrorrhagia, functional urinary and digestive signs, sleep status, pain, etc.

Physical examination

  • Fundal height measurement
  • Palpation of the uterus: fetal presentation (upside down or other position?) flexible or contractile uterus
  • Listen to heart sounds
  • Possible vaginal examination (not systematic, only on clinical signs)
  • Possible treatments: Not systematic, depending on the case: pregnancy vitamins, paracetamol, phloroglucinol, compression stockings, iron supplementation, antihemorrhoid drugs.

When to screen for Streptococcus B?

Between 35 and 37SA, the mother-to-be will undergo a vaginal swab to detect the presence of streptococcus B. The bacteria, harmless outside of pregnancy and most often asymptomatic, can be passed to the baby during delivery and cause severe infection. If the presence of the bacteria is proven, the future mother receives intravenous antibiotic treatment as soon as labor begins. The risk of contamination of the baby is thus considerably reduced.

When to start preparations for childbirth?

The third trimester of pregnancy brings the future mother closer to the birth of her baby, so the time has come to actively prepare for it. The ideal is to start preparing for childbirth around 28-30 weeks and finish it around 37 weeks.“, indicates the midwife. In total, eight sessions are reimbursed 100% by social security. They are divided into theoretical appointments intended to give the pregnant woman information on the course of childbirth, but also on breastfeeding or postpartum, and more practical sessions where the mother-to-be will, in particular, make breathing exercises.

In the 8th month of pregnancy, the future mother will have to meet an anesthesiologist. A mandatory appointment, especially if a caesarean section or a transfusion must be performed, even if she plans to give birth without epidural analgesia, says Anh-Chi Ton. During this appointment, the anesthesiologist will collect the history of the future mother and check her medical file (blood group card, RAI, haemostasis report). “He will also palpate the spine and observe the oral cavity, if intubation is necessary“, also specifies the midwife.

What to eat in the third trimester of pregnancy?

From the 7th to the 9th month of pregnancy, baby continues to develop and grow at high speed. It is therefore the ideal time to fill up on vitamin D and calcium so as to give him all the nutrients necessary to solidify his bones as well as possible. Milk, yoghurts, white cheeses, certain cheeses, but also almonds, hazelnuts, spinach, chard… will be your allies in this third trimester of pregnancy. Vitamin D will also help you fix calcium. We find them in the oily fish such as herring, mackerel, salmon, tuna, or oils. Also remember to hydrate yourself, especially if the end of pregnancy occurs in summer.

Thanks to Anh-Chi Ton, midwife
