3rd dose of Covid vaccine: dates, health pass … all about the booster

3rd dose of Covid vaccine dates health pass all about

3RD DOSE. While the first cases of the Omicron variant have been detected in metropolitan France and France is facing the 5th wave, the authorities are banking on the booster dose to counter them. A new injection to which the health pass will be conditioned from January 15, 2022.

[Mis à jour le 3 décembre 2021 à 12h46] The Omicron variant and the 5th wave worry the French authorities. To cope, they rely, in particular, on the booster dose, open to all adults since November 27. After six days, the French have already mobilized strongly for this recall campaign. Thus, the Doctolib platform indicates, this Friday, December 3, that more than 5.5 million appointment reservations for a third injection of the coronavirus vaccine have been recorded. In addition, the Ministry of Solidarity and Health observes that on December 1, 8,675,228 booster doses have already been administered.

The popularity of this reminder campaign, which had barely been launched, is hardly surprising when we know that those 18 and over will have their health pass conditioned on this 3rd dose. Indeed, from January 15, the validity of the precious sesame will depend on the age of the last dose performed, set at a maximum duration of seven months. The French are now worried about the availability of vaccination. But Sunday, November 28, visiting a vaccination center, the Minister of Health Olivier Véran recalled that 300 vaccination centers would open in the next days, in addition to the 1,000 places already open. To fully understand, we have summarized the new rules related to the 3rd dose of vaccination:

  • From Saturday, November 27, all people over 18 are eligible for a new injection of the vaccine.
  • In general, all adults can be administered this booster dose now, 5 months after the administration of the 2nd dose.
  • Note also the fact that the validity period of the PCR tests which allow access to the health pass without vaccination has been reduced to 24 hours (instead of 48 hours)

Everything has been put in place by the executive to encourage vaccination and recall, in a context of a strong recovery in the circulation of Covid-19 and concern around the new variant. To this end, if you are one of the eligible audiences, you can make an appointment via online appointment booking platforms, such as Doctolib, Vitemadosis or KelDoc. You can also consult the lists of vaccination centers near you on Maiia and Santé.fr, or on your city’s website. Finally, you can contact 0 800 009 110 in order to reserve a vaccination slot – if you are abroad, you can contact the Embassy or consulate of your place of residence for this purpose.

From the date of the last injection received, any adult can receive a booster dose. She then has two months to do it, otherwise the health pass will be deactivated. The measure will come into force on Saturday January 15, 2022. Thus, all people who received their last dose on June 15 or before will have to have made their vaccination booster by January 15 under penalty of losing the document allowing access in many places.

Niche reservation platforms such as Doctolib are already operational in order to make an appointment. A feature has also been added to the Tous Anti-Covid application: a change in the color of the health pass is made to warn of the near end of validity of the document if the reminder has not been made.

  • I was infected and then received a dose of vaccine: 5 months after the single dose
  • I had a dose and then I was infected with the Covid at least 15 days after: 5 months after the infection
  • I had a dose, I was infected with Covid less than 15 days later, then I received a second dose: 5 months after the 2nd dose
  • I received two doses and then I was infected with Covid: 5 months after infection
  • I was infected with the Covid then I received two doses: 5 months after the 2nd dose

Why a 3rd dose of anti-Covid vaccine?

“The share of French people in intensive care speaks for itself: the vaccinated are ten times less present than the unvaccinated,” said Olivier Véran at a press conference on November 25. “Where the vaccination is weaker, the highest incidence and severe case rates are recorded,” he added, emphasizing another fact: “The efficacy of the vaccine will, however, decrease over time. , classic phenomenon “of any vaccine. “Immune memory is not infallible and a booster is necessary. This allows to quickly obtain a new very strong immunity”. In an opinion made public this Thursday, November 25, the High Authority for Health indicates: “The HAS considers that the worrying epidemic context justifies an acceleration of the vaccination campaign by shortening the time between primary vaccination and booster dose”. The HAS justifies its opinion on the projections of the Institut Pasteur, which estimates that the reduction in the peak of hospitalizations would be 39% if the booster is made six months after the last injection, but 50% if the booster is operated at five month.

Is the 3rd dose of the Covid vaccine mandatory?

The 3rd dose of the Covid-19 vaccine is not mandatory. However, since Olivier Véran spoke on November 25, it is necessary for all adults wishing to keep their health pass five months after being vaccinated. After the injunction of the booster, the vaccinated have a new QR Code, valid for 7 days after the injection. For people who make their recall within the allotted time, the QR code generated at the time of their previous vaccination will remain active for 7 days.

As when the vaccination campaign was in full swing at the start of the year, it is possible to get vaccinated in various places. Thursday, Olivier Véran explained that “we are going to open, reopen or expand existing vaccination centers”, counting around 11,000 everywhere in France, and reminded that doctors, pharmacies, midwives, nurses, masseurs- physiotherapists or even biology laboratories are authorized to administer the vaccine.

To make an appointment, simply go to the usual platforms, such as Doctolib Where Vitemadosis, or call a healthcare professional to reserve a time slot.

And after ?

After your booster dose has been given, what is left for you to do? The recommendations are more or less the same as those for the first doses of vaccination. The only notable subtlety: your certificate attesting to your recall and its new QR code, which the vaccination center, the pharmacy or the person who vaccinated you will give you. In order to keep a health pass valid from January 15, you will need to scan this QR code to insert it into AllAntiCovid. Your new health pass will be valid for 7 days after the injection of your booster dose – during which time you can show your old health pass, which shows your complete vaccination. After this interval, there is no risk that you will be asked to show your old QR code, which you can from your certificate “Book”.

However, you must maintain barrier gestures and get tested if you have been in contact with a person who tested positive for Covid-19. In most cases, you will no longer be asked for isolation if you have received your booster dose. On the other hand, in the specific case of the Omicron variant, you will still need to isolate yourself in the event of contact with a positive case of this variant.

Moderna, side effects and 3rd dose

At first, the Haute Autorité de Santé had “advised against” the use of the Moderna vaccine for the booster dose. To justify this decision, the HAS had relied on a Scandinavian study highlighting the risk of myocarditis for people under 30 years old. “The announcements from various health authorities have highlighted the unknowns that remain on the dose and the target population for the recall by Spikevax (Moderna vaccine, Editor’s note) and justify waiting for the European body to provide the details expected in the context of the marketing authorization under examination “.

After study, the Moderna vaccine finally received the approval of the EMA. “Data showed that a third dose of Spikevax given six to eight months after the second dose resulted in increased antibody levels in adults with declining antibody levels,” said the European Medicines Agency. (EMA) in a communicated.

The side effects of the booster dose of the anti-Covid vaccine are, moreover, substantially the same as any other vaccine: arm pain, fatigue, fever …
