375,000 Swedes will have their pension reduced in 2024

375000 Swedes will have their pension reduced in 2024

Eight out of ten pensioners will get more money in their wallets this year, as several forms of pensions were increased at the turn of the year.

Pension payment 2024: Here are the dates when the money will arrive

Pension 2024 – then it will be increased

Just over 1.2 million pensioners receive income and/or supplementary pension without basic protection such as guaranteed pension or housing supplement. They get their income pension increased by 1 percent.

Here you can read more about the increase in the income pension.

755,000 pensioners receive income pension and some guaranteed pension. They receive a change in this part of the pension that is between 1.0 and 9.1 percent.

292,000 pensioners receive no or low income pension. They receive up to 9.1 percent in increased general pension.

Here you can read more about the guarantee pension being increased.

The premium pension is reduced for some

But there are also those who have had their pension reduced this year. The 375,000 pensioners who chose to let the Pensions Authority take care of the premium pension in a traditional insurance policy have had it reduced by between 3.3 and 4.2 percent. Exactly how much it is lowered depends on how old you are.

This has surprised many, as the stock market exceeded the average in both Sweden and abroad during 2023.

So why has trad insurance been reduced?

– It is the effect of the very bad year 2022 that hits through this year. In 2022, the trad portfolio lost 13 percent. But through the equalization system, the pensioners did not have to take that hit in 2023, says Erland Ekheden, chief actuary at the Swedish Pensions Agency to The evening paper and continues:

– During 2023, the value of the assets rose by 7.6 percent. But it was not enough to cover the deficit in the insurance from 2022.

The big pension change: So you can get SEK 500 more a month – for life
