37 weeks of pregnancy (39 WA): how are the contractions?

37 weeks of pregnancy 39 WA how are the contractions

At 37 weeks of pregnancy, or 39 weeks of amenorrhea, the impatience grows! In a few days, baby will finally be in your arms. The end of a 9-month adventure, bringing great joy, but also intense upheaval. We take stock with Anh-Chi Ton, midwife.

At 37 weeks pregnantit’s high time to put an end to the baby’s room and pack the maternity bag if you still have a few accessories to slip into it. Childbirth can happen at any time ! In addition to the impatience to hold baby in their arms, women are also often eager to regain some mobility and comfort. The last few weeks are often long and marked by sometimes disabling symptoms: ligament and lumbar pain, acid reflux, severe fatigue and of course increasingly intense contractions. Anh-Chi Ton, midwife, gives us her advice on this 39th week of amenorrhea.

How many months and SA at 37 weeks of pregnancy?

The 37th week of pregnancy corresponds to 39 weeks of amenorrhea or 39 SA. You in your 9th month of pregnancy.

What pregnancy symptoms at 39 SA?

THE last weeks of pregnancy are often very long for expectant mothers. With impatience mingles a sometimes extreme tiredness. You’re going to need all your energy to give birth to your baby, so rest as soon as you can, and don’t feel guilty about naps or sleeping in! Contractions, pain in the back and lower abdomen as well as digestive problems can appear.

Lower back pain

From the 37th week of pregnancy, it is almost impossible for you to close your eyes at night. Your big belly prevents you from finding a comfortable position, you have back pain, and all the time want to pee… In short, you can’t wait for D-Day to arrive. Some women also experience pelvic pain : this is due to the relaxation of the pubic symphysis, that is to say the articulation of the two bones of the pelvis, but also to the descent of the uterus, which has the effect of releasing the pressure on the other organs .

White discharge at the end of pregnancy

At the end of pregnancy, white discharge is common. Apart from a suspicious odor or associated itching, there is no reason to be alarmed. These losses could also mean that you lose the mucous plug…And that the birth of your baby is coming very soon.

Why do I have pubic pain at 37 SG?

We call the pubic pain from pubalgia. “ During pregnancy, under the effect of hormones, the ligaments can stretch, causing sometimes intense pain. But these pains can also be caused by the weight of the baby, the pelvis which is more lax at the end of pregnancy. This is called Lacomme’s syndrome. For all ligament pain, it is recommended to take magnesium.”, explains Anh-Chi Ton.

How are the contractions at 37 weeks pregnant?

At the end of pregnancy, it is important to monitor your contractions. If they become painful and regular for several hours, they are usually heralds that the birth is coming soon. Nothing forces you to leave for the maternity ward immediately, but don’t delay too long! In case of doubt, a call to the maternity ward can direct you on what to do.

Can you lose the mucous plug at 37 weeks?

At 37 weeks of pregnancy, it is common to see significant vaginal discharge. If the discharge is thick and white, it may be the mucous plug. But maybe you already lost it a little earlier without realizing it. Be that as it may: rest assured, the loss of mucous plug (which closes the cervix) is not a sign of imminent delivery, but simply proof that your body is slowly preparing for the birth of your baby.

Can you give birth at 37 weeks of pregnancy?

The limit of prematurity is set at 37 weeks of amenorrhea, or 35 weeks of pregnancy. “We can therefore give birth without risk at this stage of pregnancy, baby will not be considered premature“, reassures the midwife.

What are the signs of childbirth at 39 SA?

At the end of pregnancy, women are attentive to the slightest sign that could indicate that childbirth is imminent. “Besides the usual signs (contractions that get closer, become regular, intense, loss of water), some women will also vomit, have diarrhea at the start of labor under the effect of hormones, feel a very strong heaviness in the pelvis, because the baby’s head begins to descend“, details Anh-Chi Ton.

“As the birth approaches, some women may vomit, have diarrhea at the start of labor under the effect of hormones, feel a very strong heaviness in the pelvis, because the baby’s head begins to descend.”

At 37 weeks of pregnancy, i.e. 39 WA, if the cervix is ​​favorable, a little soft, a little open, we can offer an induction to the mother if she wishes.“, she adds. This triggering of “convenience” is not offered everywhere, however.

Waiting for the right moment to show the tip of his nose, your baby continues to practice breathing like a grown-up. The more time he has to do it, the better! Imagine what he will feel at birth, when he finally takes his first breath of air, after nine months of breathing in amniotic fluid. Better to be well prepared! The vernix caseosa covering his skin also begins to fall off, as does the lanugo, the fine down that protected her, now almost disappeared. Result: the vernix and lanugo debris float in the amniotic fluid in the form of flakes, and your baby reveals soft, smooth skin.

Baby moves a lot at 37 weeks pregnant

On the movement side, at this stage, some babies continue to be very active and move a lotbut it is also common for them to lack space and their movements to be less noticeable.

What is the baby’s weight?

At this stage of pregnancy, your baby has nothing else to do but grow, waiting for the moment of the exit! If his growth has slowed slightly since the beginning of last week, his little body continues to thicken. It takes on average about 14 grams of fat per day. This is why the closer a baby is born to term, the chubpier he is.

What to do at 37 weeks pregnant?

Last straight line before your delivery. You can now depart for motherhood at any time, so get ready! Do some shopping for your return home, check that your baby’s room is ready… and be patient!

Finish the baby’s room

As they approach the end of their pregnancy, many mothers-to-be feel an irrepressible urge to clean up and tidy up their entire house. Is this your case? Vacuum or sweep, but avoid overdoing it! You can do the last little tidying up in the your baby’s roommake sure, for example, that his little bed is made, that his room is well ventilated, that the room is at the right temperature.

Our advice for anticipating the return home

At this stage of pregnancy, you can give birth at any time. If you’re still in great shape, take the opportunity to do some shopping to fill the fridge… or rather the freezer. Plan some good meals that you can enjoy once you get back from the maternity ward, because you won’t really have time to cook once the baby is born. If you feel like cooking, why not prepare some homemade meals that you can freeze? A good idea to occupy your last moments before the birth.

Thanks to Anh-Chi Ton, midwife.
