36 weeks of pregnancy (38 weeks): what symptoms?

36 weeks of pregnancy 38 weeks what symptoms

36 weeks of pregnancy, 38 weeks of amenorrhea, the birth is getting closer! A few more days of patience and baby will be in your arms. We take stock with Anh-Chi Ton, midwife.

Since last week (37 SA), your baby is no longer considered premature! What a relief ! In this 36th week of pregnancy, baby can now be born at any time. These last weeks of pregnancy are tiring and you are certainly very impatient to hold baby in your arms. If it’s not done yet, it’s time to put an end to the maternity suitcase. You have to be ready! Anh-Chi Ton, midwife, gives us her advice for a healthy end of pregnancy.

How many months and SA at 36 weeks of pregnancy?

  • Month : at 36 weeks pregnant, you are in your 9th month of pregnancy.
  • During the week of amenorrhea: the 36th week of pregnancy corresponds to 38 weeks of amenorrhea or 38 SA.

What symptoms at 38 SA?


At 9 months pregnant, you are nearing the end of this race, it is normal for you to be tired. Both physically, the belly weighs, sleep is difficult, but also psychologically, with the apprehension linked to childbirth and this great leap into the unknown that is motherhood. Rest as much as possible, take naps… And also enjoy your last weeks with a round belly. In a few weeks, you will miss him!


Not easy for pregnant women to find the right position to sleep with such a big belly. You find it difficult to fall asleep and truly rest. The ideal is to lie on your left side, so as not to compress the vena cava. Next, place a pillow under your stomach to prop it up and another under your legs to raise them slightly and avoid circulation problems. You can also now use your nursing pillow (if purchased) to find a comfortable position. Feel free to lie down whenever you feel like it, and take a nap in the early afternoon. Now is the time to rest.

I have white discharge, is this normal?

At the end of pregnancy, white discharge may become more abundant. They can be a sign that the mucous plug, which closes the entrance to the cervix, is being evacuated and childbirth is approaching. If the losses are odorous and cause itching, it is better to consult, it could be a mycosis.

Can we have nausea at the end of pregnancy at 38 SA?

It is possible to have nausea at any term of pregnancy, especially the first three months, but it remains rather atypical at the very end of pregnancy. “We just worry about vomiting in the context of hypertension, because we fear pre-eclampsia. But if it’s isolated nausea, it could be food poisoning or just the baby pushing the stomach up, but it’s causing acid reflux instead.”, explains the midwife.

How are the contractions at 36 weeks pregnant?

In this ninth month of pregnancy, the contractions should be more and more numerous. Your priority is to monitor them carefully. They should be more frequent, but still quite irregular. If you notice that their rhythm is more frequent, pay special attention to it. Doctors recommend going to the maternity ward when contractions occur every five minutes, and that they are more and more intense. If not, a little more patience!

I have pain in the lower abdomen at 38 SA

As childbirth approaches, period-like stomach pains are frequent. The uterus prepares for childbirth and the ligaments relax, causing pain and discomfort. However, be attentive to these pains, if they nail you on the spot and become regular, they could be contractions!

How is the baby at 38 weeks pregnant?

During this 9th month of pregnancy, your baby’s growth begins to slow down. He is perfectly ready to be born. Still a little patience…

Baby moves a little less, is that normal?

At this stage of pregnancyyou may feel your baby move less. There’s nothing to worry about, it just lacks space. On the other hand, it is important that you continue to smell it every day, several times a day. If you have any concerns, a monitoring carried out at the maternity ward will reassure you.

How to recognize the signs of childbirth at 36 weeks?

Of the painful, regular contractions or water breaking are concrete signs that childbirth is approaching. But other, more subtle signs must also be monitored at the end of pregnancy: diarrhea, nausea, inexplicable anxiety, but also an irrepressible need to tidy up the house. On this last point, it is really the animal instinct that expresses itself and pushes us to nest and to create a healthy environment to welcome our little one.

Can you give birth at 36 weeks of pregnancy?

Premature delivery is a legitimate fear of future parents, especially when the expectant mother has been bedridden and the specter of an early delivery looms over the entire pregnancy. But fortunately, at 36 weeks of pregnancy, the danger is averted! “At this stage, the baby is no longer considered premature. From 35 weeks of pregnancy, i.e. 37 weeks of amenorrhea, baby can be born at any time without risk“, recalls the midwife.

“From 35 weeks of pregnancy, or 37 weeks of amenorrhea, baby can come into the world at any time without risk”.

What is the weight of the baby at 38 SA?

Your baby is now almost 48 cm tall and weighs almost 3 kg. A beautiful baby! At this stage of pregnancy, her growth begins to slow down. From now on, it will take on average only 250 grams and 1 cm approximately per week. He already looks like a real full-term baby in every way, with his pretty rosy skin, his little body already a little chubby. Down or lanugo which covered him until now has now almost entirely fallen off (except at the level of the shoulders and on the upper arms), revealing his soft and smooth skin.

How does the baby position itself at 38 weeks of amenorrhea?

If your baby hasn’t rolled over yet, he can still do so in this 36th week of pregnancy. He then adopts the fetal position, legs and arms bent, chin at chest level. This is the best position for a vaginal birth. He continues his descent into the pelvis and places his head in the narrowest part of the uterus. In this position, you should continue to feel your baby move, even if the movements are less extensive. Be aware, however, that about 5% of babies do not adopt this head-down position.

What to do at 36 weeks pregnant?

You are nearing the end of your pregnancy. At this stage, medical surveillance is reinforced.

Consultations for the 9th month of pregnancy

At the end of your pregnancy, you will also need to perform urine tests more regularly (about once a week) to check for the absence of protein in the urine. Your doctor or midwife may also prescribe a monitoring: this examination allows you to check the regularity of your baby’s heart.

Formalities and administrative papers for childbirth

You have prepared your maternity suitcase in anticipation of the birth and your stay in the maternity ward? It’s perfect ! Take the opportunity, at this stage of pregnancy, to gather all the papers you will need at the maternity ward : identity card, social security card and health insurance card in particular. Also think about your family book and your blood group card. Do not forget your complete pregnancy file with the various examinations carried out, the results of the assessment prescribed for the epidural as well as the maternity registration file. You are now ready for the birth!

Thanks to Anh-Chi Ton, midwife
