36 members of an opposition party charged with “terrorism”

36 members of an opposition party charged with terrorism

In Uganda, 36 members of the opposition Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) have been charged with ” terrorism “, on Monday, July 29. These opposition activists had just been expelled from neighboring Kenya when they were arrested in Kampala. Their lawyer denounces ” senseless abuse and witch hunt “.

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Ugandan police have announced the arrest of 36 activists of the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC), early in the morning of Monday, July 29 in Kampala, the capital ofUganda. According to her, the latter ” engaged in subversive activities, attracting the attention of Kenyan security forces “The latter reportedly handed them over to the Ugandan authorities on July 24.

According to one of their lawyers, the group denied the accusations against it after being charged with ” terrorism “These FDC activists had, according to him, gone to Kisumu in Kenya to attend a training seminar. As they were presented in a Kampala court, the FDC members, in a video posted online by a Ugandan daily, chanted “ we will win, Musuveni will leave one day “.

On the social network X, the former presidential candidate, opponent Kizza Besigye, ex-leader of the FDC denounced the indictments ” illegal and an extension of the physical torture suffered by the 36 activists in Kenya “They risk, according to their lawyer, a life sentence. The next hearing is scheduled for August 13.

Read alsoUganda: Three opposition MPs arrested ahead of anti-corruption protests
