35 weeks of pregnancy (37 SA): the beginning of the 9th month!

35 weeks of pregnancy 37 SA the beginning of the

At 35 weeks of pregnancy, or 37 weeks of amenorrhea, your pregnancy is coming to an end. If baby were born today, he would no longer be considered premature. A real relief! Symptoms, suitcase for maternity, preparation for childbirth… We take stock of this 35th week with Anh-Chi Ton, midwife.

This 35th week of pregnancy brings you closer to the magical encounter with your baby. AT 37 SA, your belly is now very rounded and can embarrass you to sleep or move. The contractions are more and more frequent, and indicate that your body is preparing for childbirth. Set aside time to rest in order to gain strength before birth and the first intense weeks of this new life with baby. Anh-Chi Ton, midwife, sheds light on the symptoms of this end of pregnancy and the last steps to take during this 9th month.

How many months and SA at 35 weeks of pregnancy?

  • Month : at 35 weeks of pregnancy, you are at beginning of the 9th month
  • In week of amenorrhea : the 35th week of pregnancy corresponds to 37 weeks of amenorrhea or 37 SA.

What symptoms at 35 weeks of pregnancy?

Extreme tiredness

You arrive at term of your pregnancy and fatigue is increasingly present. Between insomnia, difficulty moving around, various minor ailments, the last few weeks are sometimes exhausting. Take care of yourself as much as possible.

Lower abdominal pain

At this stage of pregnancy, more than 9 out of 10 babies have rolled over in their mother’s womb. If this is your case, you should feel it: your baby (whose weight is close to 2.5 kg at the start of 9th month of pregnancy) weighs more and more down, and you have a feeling of heaviness in the perineum. Remember to rest as much as possible.

Nausea and insomnia

At the end of pregnancy, it can be difficult to fall asleep. Not only does baby move, but you are frequently awakened by the urge to urinate. Difficult in these conditions to rest and recover. This 9thmonth sometimes marks the return of nausea. They can be a sign that childbirth is imminent.

I have a stomach ache, like menstruation, what is it due to?

Period-like pains are a sign that the uterus is contracting. This is absolutely normal at this stage of pregnancy..’ observes the midwife.

“Pains similar to period pains are a sign that the uterus is contracting.”

Contractions at 37 SA, what to do?

In this beginning of the ninth month of pregnancy, you can feel your first contractions (in some women, these can start much earlier): this is completely normal. These contractions are usually fairly far apart and few in number. Over time, they may become more regular and more numerous.

Can you give birth at 35 weeks of pregnancy?

The ideal is always to keep baby warm until the end of the pregnancy, but it is possible that he is born before the term. Rest assured, even if it will be smaller, a baby is no longer considered premature from the 37th week of amenorrhea, i.e. 35 weeks of pregnancy.

Open cervix at 35 weeks gestation

The cervix can already be opened at 35 weeks. This is not necessarily serious and does not necessarily indicate that delivery is imminent. The cervix can be opened a fingertip, or even two fingers, of dilation, and remain that way without dilating further for a week or more. It’s very unpredictable.”, explains Anh-Chi Ton.

How to recognize the signs of childbirth at 37 SA?

THE signs that announce that work has started may be the following: you experience painful contractions which, over the hours, become regular and increasingly close together, your water has broken or you are losing a little fluid. Some moms-to-be may also experience nausea and even diarrhea.

How is the baby at 35 weeks pregnant?

In this beginning of ninth month of pregnancy, good news: your baby’s lungs are now fully operational. Clearly, he can breathe on his own. If he was born now, he wouldn’t need to go to the incubator anymore. And it would no longer be considered premature!

  • All his other organs are also perfectly formed.
  • His digestive system, in particular, is ready to function normally.
  • He can digest on his own the breast or artificial milk that you will give him from the first minutes after birth.

What is the baby’s weight?

Your baby now weighs around 2.5 kg and is around 45 cm tall. If he were born now, he would have a perfectly acceptable size and weight. But better wait a little longer!

Baby moves a lot at 37 SA

While waiting for the birth, baby continues to move regularly, even if there isn’t much space left. It also slowly begins to descend into your pelvis, in anticipation of childbirth.

What to do at 35 weeks of pregnancy, what steps?

Your last month of pregnancy begin. The countdown is on: only a few days left until the birth of your baby!

Last prenatal consultation

At ninth month of pregnancyyou will spend your whole last prenatal consultation : the latest in a long series that began in early pregnancy. This appointment takes place a little like all the others: the doctor or the midwife who follows you takes your blood pressure, checks the condition of your cervix, measures your baby’s heart activity… During this consultation, you will also be told about the way your delivery will take place: by natural means or by cesarean section in certain cases. Feel free to ask any questions you want.

Paternity leave

Know that the young dad also benefits from a paternity leave after the birth of her child. If he wants to take it, it’s time for him to talk to his employer. Even if he does not yet know the dates, he can start to organize himself. Note that this leave is open to all future dads, regardless of their marital status (marriage, PACS, cohabitation, etc.) and the nature of the employment contract (CDD, CDI, internship, interim, etc.).

Basin x-ray

If your doctor or midwife has prescribed a radiopelvimetry, now is the time to do it. “This pelvic scanner helps to determine the size of the pelvis more precisely and to see if your baby will be able to pass without any problem during delivery. It is generally done in case of siege or if the woman is very small or has a history of pelvic fracture for example.”, explains the midwife.

Thanks to Anh-Chi Ton, midwife.
