34 weeks of pregnancy (36 weeks): your body is preparing for childbirth

34 weeks of pregnancy 36 weeks your body is preparing

At 34 weeks of pregnancy, or 36 weeks of amenorrhea, your body and mind are preparing for childbirth. It is a period of intense bubbling. We take stock with Anh-Chi Ton, midwife.

In this 34th week of pregnancy, you are subject to minor ailments at the end of pregnancy : water retention, fatigue, frequent urges to urinate, small nocturnal anxieties, contractions. Your body is slowly preparing for the day of your birth. AT 34 weeks of pregnancy, or 36 WA (weeks of amenorrhea), your baby, meanwhile, continues to grow. If his nervous, digestive and immune systems are at the top, it is not the same for his lungs, which still need a little time. “On a practical level, I recommend, from 34 weeks of pregnancy, to stock up on nappies, water bottles, compresses, cotton, to avoid going to buy things at the last minute after childbirth.“, explains midwife Anh-Chi Ton, who gives us her advice on this 34th week of pregnancy.

34 weeks pregnant in months and SA

  • Month : at 34 weeks of pregnancy, you finish your eighth month of pregnancy
  • In week of amenorrhea : the 34th week of pregnancy corresponds to 36 weeks of amenorrhea or 36 SA.

What symptoms at 36 SA?

At 34 weeks, your end of pregnancy is accompanied by many small ailments, common and not serious. So you can have the swollen ankles and feet at the end of the day. This is due to water retention. To relieve yourself, be sure to elevate your legs, especially at the end of the day. Also think about compression stockings, which can provide an effective solution. Another small inconvenience : frequent urges to pee, as well as shortness of breath on the slightest effort. All of this is normal, and fortunately temporary.

Fatigue at 34 weeks of pregnancy

THE last weeks of pregnancy sometimes seem endless. Impatience mixes with fatigue and you may be particularly sensitive and on edge. Try to give yourself a little well-being break, whether it’s a good bath or a snack with friends at home. Rest and do good!

White discharge at the end of pregnancy

Vaginal discharge is common in late pregnancy. At this point, they are nevertheless worth your attention. If they’re similar to the discharge you may see during your menstrual cycle, don’t worry. If, on the other hand, they are smelly and cause itching, this may be a sign of an infection, so it is better to consult. Alternatively, these losses could mean that you are starting to clear the mucous plug. Open your eyes!

Diarrhea at 34 weeks of pregnancy

Diarrhea can simply come from a food that lacked freshness, a small parasite or even iron supplementation. “However, if contractions are associated with loose stools or diarrhea, we can also think of the onset of labor.“, observes the midwife. It is better to consult the attending physician.

“If contractions are associated with loose stools or diarrhea, we can also think of the onset of labor”.

Contractions at 34 weeks of pregnancy

If you have some painless contractions and not regular, they do not mean that labor is starting. Still a little patience ! You can also have localized pain in the pelvis : This is a sign that your bones are moving apart to let the baby through.

Pain in the lower abdomen at 36 SA, is this the start of labour?

At this stage of pregnancy, pain in the lower abdomen can obviously evoke the onset of labor.As before, you must first try to relieve the pain with rest, a hot water bottle, a hot bath, doliprane and spasfon. If the pain does not go away despite all this, you have to go to the maternity ward to have it checked.“, recommends Anh-Chi Ton.

What weight gain at 36 weeks of amenorrhea?

It depends on the baseline BMI. If she was overweight, less weight gain is expected. In the first trimester, it is between 500 g and 1 kg per month, more or less 1 kg per month in the second trimester, and between 1 and 2 kg per month in the last trimester. But for a woman who has a normal BMI, we expect 12 to 16 kg in all.”, explains the midwife. It is therefore considered normal to have taken about 12 kg at this stage of pregnancy. But again, it really depends on the women.

“In the first trimester, the weight is generally between 500 g and 1 kg per month, plus or minus 1 kg per month in the second trimester, and between 1 and 2 kg per month in the last trimester”.

Preparing the body for childbirth

From the 34th week of pregnancy, your delivery could happen in the coming days or weeks… A little more patience… Your body knows it and is slowly preparing for this great event, even if you don’t necessarily feel certain things. For example, the your cervix begins to soften. On the other hand, you feel very well that your breasts are very tight: they are preparing for breastfeeding. You can also have localized pain in the pelvis : This is a sign that your bones are moving apart to let the baby through.

Is a baby considered premature at 34 weeks of pregnancy?

Yes, because at this stage of pregnancy, we speak of prematurity if the baby is born before 37 weeks of amenorrhea (SA) i.e. 35 weeks of pregnancy.

How is the baby at 34 weeks pregnant?

Your baby continues to look beautiful. His nervous, digestive and immune systems are well developed, but his lungs are not. Even if your baby seems to be perfectly ready to go out, he’d better stay in the warmth of your belly for a little longer. Indeed, his respiratory system still needs a little time to improve.

  • The lanugo, this fine down that covered his whole body, begins to disappear little by little, giving way to smooth, soft and rosy skin.
  • Your baby’s body continues to thicken and round out.
  • His face is also getting rounder.
  • His skin is less wrinkled, and increasingly smooth.
  • His hair also continues to grow, but it all depends on the babies: some will be born with real thick hair, while others will be almost bald.

“It is also around this 34th week of pregnancy that baby acquires certain skills (sucking, temperature regulation, blood sugar regulation).

What is the baby’s weight and height?

As the day of the birth approaches, your baby is now 47 cm tall and weighs 2.8 kg.

Baby moves a lot, even at night

Baby has less and less space, but likes to remind you that he is there, and can’t wait to meet you. Unfortunately for you, it’s very likely that the little prankster is particularly active at night and moves around a lot… Let’s say this prepares you for nighttime feedings.

What to do at 34 weeks pregnant?

Your eighth month of pregnancy coming to an end. Childbirth is approaching. And if you take the opportunity to talk about it with your companion to finalize the important details, such as your child’s first and last name?

Choice of baby name

You’ve probably already talked about it with the future dad, and maybe you’ve already decided on the first name you’re going to give your child. If this is not the case, refine your decision now: it is not just after birth that you will have clearer ideas on the subject. Also think about the last name you want to give your baby. Today, the law authorizes all configurations: you can give your child the name of his mother, his father or both. Check out our name guide

Dad’s role during childbirth

At 34 weeks of pregnancy or 36 SA, your delivery can now happen any day. It’s a good time to discuss it with the future dad, and find out a little more about how he sees things. Ask him, for example, if he wants to attend the entire birth, if he wants to cut the cord or if he prefers to leave this mission to the maternity team, if he wants to do little skin with baby right after the birth… The most important thing is that he feels comfortable in his new role and is there 100% to support you.

Streptococcus B screening test

It is also at this stage that one can make the screening for Streptococcus B, performed by a vaginal swab using a swab”also recalls the midwife.

Thanks to Anh-Chi Ton, midwife.
