Eligible households miss out on average 330 euros per month.
Without knowing it, many people miss out on certain social benefits to which they are entitled. Between eligibility conditions that are sometimes poorly explained and overly complex administrative processes, it can quickly become discouraging. Others also fear the consequences, such as loss of rights or control, if they take action. Many people are even unaware of the existence of certain benefits, or are hesitant to assert their rights, thinking that their situation does not meet the criteria. This non-recourse to aid can, however, aggravate the financial difficulties of the households concerned, even though these measures are designed precisely to support them.
This is the case for one particular aid which, according to the Drees (Directorate of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics) is not claimed by 34% of eligible households. While this allowance is financially interesting, since its amount amounts to 330 euros on average per month and per consumption unit. In total, the unpaid amounts “would reach 750 million euros per quarter”or nearly 3 billion euros per year, indicates the Drees in 2022. The administration also estimates that non-recourse is more important “among people in couples without children, graduates, young people, owners, residing in rural areas or in the Paris metropolitan area.”
The aid in question is the active solidarity income (RSA). This allowance is intended to guarantee a minimum income to people without resources or of modest means as well as a support program for professional integration. To be able to benefit from it, you must meet certain conditions: be at least 25 years old, be a young worker between 18 and 24 years old, be a young parent or a single parent. The amount of aid paid by the Caf or the MSA, depending on your affiliation fund, then depends on the resources declared by your household, and its composition.
To see things more clearly before taking any action, individuals can test their eligibility in a few clicks on the government website Mesdroitssociaux.gouv.fr. You can consult your rights, simulate your benefits or obtain information on the steps to take.