31 weeks of pregnancy (33 weeks): it’s the beginning of the 8th month!

31 weeks of pregnancy 33 weeks its the beginning of

At 31 weeks of pregnancy, or 33 weeks of amenorrhea, the birth of the baby is approaching and you may now feel contractions regularly. Symptoms, preparation of the maternity bag, baby’s growth, discover the advice of Anh-Chi Ton, midwife.

This 31st week of pregnancy marks the beginning of your eighth month of pregnancy. As your belly gets bigger and bigger, you may have some difficulty walking. Your mind is also in turmoil and the questions jostle to the point of disturbing your sleep. Baby now occupies your entire uterine cavity and continues to develop, especially at the digestive level. Childbirth is approaching, it is also the perfect time to prepare your maternity suitcase.

How many months and SA at 31 weeks of pregnancy?

  • The 31st week of pregnancy corresponds to 33 weeks of amenorrhea or 33 SA.
  • You are at beginning of your 8th month of pregnancy.

What pregnancy symptoms at 33 SA?

The fatigue you feel in this 31th week of pregnancy is absolutely normal. Your belly weighs heavier and heavier, you sleep unrefreshingly sleepy and baby draws on your reserves to continue to grow. Your belly has also grown a lot. It is therefore normal to experience difficulty standing, stooping, or just moving.

Sleep problems

During the eighth month of pregnancy, it is not uncommon to have recurrent nightmares. It’s a way for your subconscious to grasp the fact that you’re going to become a mother and it’s completely normal. Rest assured: many pregnant women have been through this. Do not hesitate to ask any questions that bother you to the doctor or midwife who follows you. Also remember to relax before going to bed because good sleep is essential for your health and that of your baby.

Why do I have a stomach ache at 31 weeks?

The belly, in medicine, is a very vast field! “If it is uterine pain, and therefore contractions, you have to go to the emergency room when there are more than 10 a day and that they do not yield with rest and Spasfon. During pregnancy, small digestive ailments are also possible and do not hesitate to consult if the symptoms persist or if you fear food poisoning.”, recommend the midwife.

How are the contractions of the 31st week of pregnancy?

In this beginning of 8th month of pregnancythe multiplication of false contractions, also called braxton hicks contractionsmeans your body is preparing for birth, but this does not indicate that childbirth is imminent. On the other hand, if you have bleeding or abdominal pain, contact your midwife or the maternity ward.

What weight gain at 33 SA?

Weight gain can be rapid at the end of pregnancy. At this point you should have taken between 8 and 10 kg and will continue to take about 200-300g per week until delivery.

“At 31 weeks pregnant you should have gained 8-10kg and will continue to gain around 200-300g per week until delivery.”

Should an ultrasound be done at 33 SA?

If you haven’t passed yet your ultrasound from 3thquarter, it may be for this week. It must indeed take place between the 30th week and the 32nd week of pregnancy, and marks the last appointment with baby before birth. Growth, position in uterus, amount of amniotic fluid and placenta assessmentbaby will be entitled to a full check-up!

Can you give birth at 33 weeks?

If your baby was born at 31 weeks (33 weeks), it would be considered premature. The most common causes of premature birth are: pre-eclampsia, a problem with the placenta, a fissure in the amniotic sac, lifestyle factors (smoking, alcohol consumption etc.), diabetes or hypertension, but also, a twin pregnancy. At this stage, your baby is less likely to suffer from the consequences of his prematurity, but he may need assistance to breathe and must stay for a few days or weeks in a neonatology unit.

What follow-up at 33 WA for a twin pregnancy?

“The follow-up of a twin pregnancy is much more frequent than for a so-called singleton pregnancy, with only one baby. There are more ultrasounds, even if it depends on the type of twinning (biamniotic monochorial, bichoral etc.), on the development of the babies, if for example one has grown to the detriment of the other. There is also more monitoring”, explains the midwife.

“The follow-up of a twin pregnancy is much more frequent than for a singleton pregnancy”.

What is baby’s weight at 31 weeks?

With its 2 kg and its 40 cm approximately, your baby takes up a lot of space in your uterine cavity. He now looks like the child you will soon hold in your arms. See how far you’ve come since that little spot that flashed on the ultrasound.

How does the fetus develop at 33 weeks of amenorrhea?

  • At this stage of pregnancyyour baby now knows how to digest.
  • It continues to be fed by the umbilical cord, but it also likes to swallow the amniotic fluid in which it is bathed.
  • His intestines accumulate meconium, the waste products of digestion, a thick and blackish substance that will be eliminated at birth, in your baby’s very first stools.
  • In addition, your baby’s sense of smell is sharpened. He will even be able, at birth, to recognize the smell of the amniotic fluid in which he bathed for nine months as well as the smells of food that passed through this same amniotic fluid.

How is baby moving at 31 weeks pregnant?

If baby has adopted the head down position (not all babies do) he begins to bend his knees into the fetal position. His movements are less frequent and less ample. But they can also be more abrupt: sometimes you can see it moving even through your clothes!

What to do at 31 weeks pregnant?

At 31 weeks pregnant, it might be a good time to think about the contents of your maternity suitcase ! If you haven’t taken the time to think about it yet, it’s worth starting to think about your birth plan. Do not hesitate to discuss this with your midwife.

The maternity bag

Your birth is fast approaching. It is therefore better to be ready in case you should go to the maternity ward (we never know !). To be calm, it is better to be organized and prepare all your things. The best is to provide two bags or small suitcases in which you can put your necessities.

  • The first bag will be used for the day of delivery, including baby’s things.
  • In the second, more provided, you will put everything you need for your maternity stay.

Once these two bags are ready, leave them in a corner of your room. All you have to do is take them on D-Day! “I always tell women to prepare their bag as if they were going away for three days for the weekend…but without having the possibility of washing! If they want to breastfeed, it is always take nursing pads.”, advise the midwife. Among the things that we don’t necessarily think about, Anh-Chi Ton recommends taking a scarf to the maternity hospital to close the pelvis.

Thanks to Anh-Chi Ton, midwife
