30,000 more in general pension per year – here is the savings giant’s proposal

30000 more in general pension per year here is

General pension is paid to people who have worked or lived in Sweden and is based on all the assessed income you had in the form of, for example, salary or unemployment compensation.

In addition, the so-called guarantee pension is included in the general pension, which is paid out as long as one lives.

In January 2024, there were 2.3 million people who received a public pension, and this then landed on average at SEK 16,200 a month.

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Photo: Pontus Lundahl/TT

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But in a new report, compiled by Folksam, it is flagged that the public pension has dropped significantly and that a new low has been reached.

The public pension has fallen

More specifically, it is stated in the report, which has the title “The National Pension continues to fall – a report on pension levels in 2024”, that it amounts to an average of 44 percent of the final salary. According to the insurance and savings giant, this is a good distance from the stated goal, which is 60 percent.

The percentage with an occupational pension has also fallen over the past decade, and this in turn has meant that the average occupational pension, which is paid out by the employer, has also become lower.

– Unfortunately, there is not much to celebrate now that our public pension system turns 30 this year. The current pension system does not work as it was intended and it is today’s and future pensioners who have to bear the consequences in the form of poorer financial security, says Håkan Svärdmanpension expert at Folksam, in a press release.

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Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TTFolksam: Three measures for 30,000 more in general pension

Even if the increased target age has increased the average public pension to just over 50 percent of the final salary, it is not enough, according to Folksam.

If the goal of 60 percent is to be reached, more measures need to be taken. Three measures that Folksam believes would increase the public pension by SEK 30,000 per year are:

  • An increase in earned as well as future pension rights
  • A gas that distributes the surplus in the income pension system
  • A modernized guarantee pension
  • – There are ways that would increase the general pension by approximately SEK 30,000 per year, which Folksam has also reported for, for example, the members of the pension group. Now it is up to our politicians to urgently take measures that strengthen the importance of work for the pension and make the pension system fair and robust again, says Håkan Svärdman in the press release.

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