Programs provide peer support to those with mental health challenges

An organization that helps people in recovery is celebrating two milestones this year.
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HOPE – Helping Ourselves Through Peer Support – is marking its 30th anniversary this year and it’s fifth annual Walk For HOPE fundraising initiative. The walk takes place Sept. 23 at Mohawk Park.
“We’re excited about this year’s walk and we’re hoping to build on the success of last year’s event,” Joanne Cleland, HOPE’S peer program manager, said. “We raised just over $10,000 and although we haven’t set a specific goal, we’re hoping to match last year’s tally and maybe do even better.
“We’ve lined up some great sponsors and we’re hoping to attract a lot of walkers.”
Proceeds from the walk are used to support the After Hours Saturday Drop-in Program that runs from noon to 2:30 pm at the Alternatives Centre, 20 Darling St. in Brantford.
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The program is provided free to people living with mental health and/or substance-related disorders. It provides both one-on-one and group peer support.
“We work closely with the mental health department at Brantford General (Hospital),” Cleland said. “When people are released from hospital on a Friday, they don’t always know where they can go in the community for further support.
“The after hours program helps connect people who need help with resources that are available in the community.
Cleland said resources are available in the community but people who are struggling with a range of issues don’t always know how to access them. The after hours program has, on average, 15 participants a week but the number ranges from 10 to 18 on any given Saturday.
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HOPE also offers weekly “mood walks” throughout the summer. The walks are held at 10 am on Wednesdays and this summer’s final mood walk takes place Aug. 23. Participants gather at 44 King St., suite 205, Brantford before heading out to enjoy the city’s trail system.
“It’s an opportunity for people to get outside, enjoy nature which promotes mental well-being,” Cleland said. “It’s a free program that also promotes physical activity.”
As well, HOPE offers the “We Care” program – a consumer/survivor initiative – that provides support and necessities like soap and shampoo to mental health in-patients at Brantford General Hospital.
The program is provided by a trained HOPE consumer/staff member or volunteer who takes kits of personal needs items and information about community resources to hospital mental health patients. It is delivered at the hospital on Friday mornings.
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To learn more about programs offered by HOPE visit .
HOPE operates under the umbrella of the Canadian Mental Health Association, Brant Haldimand Norfolk and can trace its roots to the opening of Quick Bite Catering and Take-out in downtown Brantford in 1991. Opened by CMHA, Quick Bite provided training, support and employment to those with mental health challenges.
In 1993, Quick Bite began operating as an independent consumer survivor initiative. Quick Bite closed in 2003 due to budget shortfalls.
In 2011, the organization’s name was officially changed to HOPE and the annual fund-raising walk began in 2019.
“Funding has always been a challenge but through it all we’ve always managed to find a way to continue to provide peer support to those who need some help,” Cleland said. “I think the fact that we’ve been here for 30 years speaks to the importance of what we do.”
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Participants in this year’s fundraising walk can register as a team or individual. Those who raise $25 or more in pledges receive a free T-shirt. The walk begins at 10 am at Shelter A in Mohawk Park.
To register contact Sandra Bell at [email protected] or call 519-751-1694. Those interested in sponsoring the event can do so through [email protected] or Canada Helps at .
To learn more about the history of HOPE visit .
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