30-year-old plays terrible match, says he was nauseous, hospitalized with internal bleeding

Esportsman Yilang “Doublelift” Peng is an exceptional appearance in the North American League of Legends. But the time around his 30th birthday was a tumultuous one for the LoL pro: he botched a game, turned 30, gave an interview saying age didn’t matter, and was hospitalized with internal bleeding.

Who is Doublelift?

  • Doublelift is the most dazzling pro the USA league LCS has to offer. He has shaped the league like no other since 2011 and has won 8 titles.
  • The man is known not only for his game, but for his aggressive demeanor. From him is the sentence: “Everyone else is rubbish”. There’s an anecdote that he got knocked out by TSM and then made it his aim to show them what a terrible mistake that was: he finally humiliated his former team with an outstanding performance and came back to them. After a dispute with intimate enemy Reginald, he is finally out of TSM.
  • Meanwhile, Doublelift is 30 years old and plays for 100 Thieves. At 30, he’s the oldest LoL player in any major league and an exception in esports. Hardly anyone plays that long. For many professionals, their career is over by the age of 24.
  • Despite being at it for so long, Faker is only 27 years old:

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    Pro screwed up match against weakest team in league

    What was his worst match? Doublelift was having a rough time now:

    He played a lousy LoL match 11 days ago. His team 100 Thieves lost 4-19 to the worst team in the league, Immortal (via reddit). The Immortals are even at risk of losing their league spot because they’ve lost the league so many times that an exception rule could allow Riot Games to strip them of their league spot (via dotesports).

    Doublelift played a terrible 2-6-1 on Kai’Sa in the match.

    After the match, he apologized on Twitter:

  • He totally screwed it up
  • He was dizzy and felt bad, almost throwing up during the match
  • But that’s no excuse, he has to pull himself together now
  • Doublelift celebrates 30th birthday, says in an interview: “Age doesn’t matter”

    How did he deal with it? After the match, Doublelift turned 30 and that was celebrated extensively by the league.

    He cheekily reported, “Who wants to lose to a 30-year-old in LoL?”

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    He even gave an interview that age doesn’t matter in LoL: he could compensate for the weaker reflexes with a better understanding of the game. It’s all overrated.

    At most, it could be that with increasing age, the distractions of real life would increase and other things would become more important (via dexerto).

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    And what about the hospital? The “dizziness” and the lousy match apparently had deeper reasons.

    On July 23, pictures of Doublelift suddenly appeared in a clinic with the comment “Hard week.”

    According to his girlfriend, Leena Xu, he was diagnosed with gastrointestinal bleeding: “Unfortunately, a debuff,” she says. For about a week, the professional has apparently been suffering from the problems that have remained undetected until then.

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    A Twitch streamer says in the comments: He himself had been drinking energy drinks on an empty stomach for months – they would have done it. It hurts like hell.

    Since then, the community has been waiting for new news about his state of health.

    Esports athletes and Twitch streamers should take care of their health, even if they are relatively young. The lifestyle with so much time in front of the PC seems to be taking its toll.

    This was also noticed by a Twitch streamer who suffered a heart attack live in front of the camera, and the chat found it hilarious:

    MMORPG Streamer Suffers Heart Attack Live On Twitch, His Chat Jokes For Minutes
